Media Winners & Losers


As America witnessed new calls for racial justice in the wake of George Floyd's death, it has led to an examination of how the legacy of the Confederacy continues to be a divisive force.

Several states' flags have symbolism that is connected to or inspired by the Confederacy to various degrees, but Mississippi was the last state to directly incorporate the Confederate battle flag in their state flag design.

Mississippi added the Confederate emblem to their flag 29 years after the Civil War ended, at the order of a Governor who had fought for the Confederacy, but that design is officially being retired, finally. 

In June, Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves signed a bill removing the symbol from the flag and the Commission to Redesign the Mississippi State Flag collected submissions for new designs. The final two designs were put up for a vote, and the "New Magnolia" design, shown above, was picked as the winner.

The new flag design will be on November's ballot for final approval by the voters. If it's rejected, the Commission will collect new designs and start the process over.

Either way, the era of Confederacy having a place of honor on Mississippi's flag is over for good, and state leaders should be commended for how they handled the situation. 

The entire process was open and transparent for people to observe and participate in, and the goal all along was to find a flag design that united and inspired Mississippians, instead of trying to incite fear or division. 

The magnolia is distinctively Southern but honoring a tree native to the state, not the racist legacy of the Confederacy, and is intended to represent "hope and rebirth."

Joy Reid

MSNBC's Joy Reid has been facing backlash for comments she made on her show The ReidOut on Monday that were perceived as Islamophobic, and several members of Congress joined in the vocal criticism.

During a panel discussion with Naveed Jamali, editor-at-large for Newsweek, Reid decried the violence by Trump supporters but also laid the blame for encouraging their incendiary behavior at the feet of the president in a long question to Jamali, asking about how supporters can be radicalized to more extreme behavior.

Backlash was swift, including from two of the most prominent Muslim members of Congress, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI). Omar called Reid’s commentary “casual Islamophobia ” that is “hurtful and dangerous" and Tlaib demanded an apology for Reid's “harmful anti-Muslim rhetoric."

Reid was not without her defenders, however, including Jamali, who posted several tweets rejecting the classification of Reid's words as Islamophobic and agreeing with her that "these violent Trump extremists are radicalized!"

Commentator Wajahat Ali also defended Reid, posting several tweets saying that the clip had been taken out of context and wasn't made in bad faith, and mocking Trump for his feigned concern about bigotry. 

It seems improbable that Reid's intentions were as hateful as some of her critics (notably Trump, who Ali was not the only one to view him as disingenuous) are saying, but she has been in the media business a long time, and should have chosen her words with more precision and clarity. Her show's panel had been assembled to address this specific topic so it wasn't a surprise and she would have greatly benefitted from planning her words in advance.


Commission on Presidential Debates Announces Moderators for Biden-Trump 2020 Faceoff

...and Trump is already complaining about some of them

The A-Block

Not the kind of history he wanted to make

Tuesday evening, Rep. Joe Kennedy III made history, being the first in his famous political family to lose a congressional race in Massachusetts. His challenge to incumbent Sen. Ed Markey flopped, with Markey winning the Democratic primary by a comfortable and unchallengeable margin. 

The race also exposed some interesting divisions among liberal ranks, with Speaker Nancy Pelosi endorsing the Kennedy scion but younger progressives like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez throwing her support behind the septuagenerian Markey. 

Kennedy can always run again, of course, but he'll be out of the game until at least 2022 -- he had to give up his congressional seat to take on Markey. 

Photo-Op Fraud

Trump's visit to Kenosha, Wisconsin was always going to be controversial, with unrest after the shooting of Jacob Blake still simmering and state and local leaders publicly saying that they did not want the president to visit. 

But Trump's visit to several burned-down businesses ignited new controversy when it was revealed that one of the owners who posed in front of the ashes with the president wasn't actually the owner at all.

Tom Gram bought Rode's Camera Shop from John Rode III eight years ago, and when the White House contacted him to arrange a photo op, Gram declined, not wanting to be a part of a "circus." So he was shocked to see Rode standing in front of the burned-down shop with Trump, pretending to still be the owner. 

Gram was annoyed, to say the least, and this time didn't shy away from the cameras. Watch his remarks here


While in Kenosha, the president who loves tweeting "Law and Order!" held a roundtable with local law enforcement officials. He complained about antifa and Attorney General Bill Barr weighed in too


John Pierce, the attorney for Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old facing murder charges for shooting protesters in Kenosha, posted a video online that drew shocked reactions. In the video, Pierce is shown speaking to his client on speakerphone, and asking Rittenhouse to say a message of thanks "to the fans." 

Besides the highly questionable ethics of an attorney exposing his client in a public statement like that, the characterization of Rittenhouse as having "fans" -- even accepting the defense' argument that this was self-defense, many understandably found the idea of cheering on the death of two young men very ghoulish. 

Watch the video and decide for yourself. 

Joe to Kenosha

Everyone's going to Kenosha now. After originally saying he did not plan to go, Joe Biden will be visiting on Thursday, along with his wife Dr. Jill Biden

Hey All You Cool Cats and Kittens

Carole Baskin of Tiger King fame (or infamy, depending on your view) will be joining the cast on the upcoming season of Dancing With The Stars. She's eager to not just master the foxtrot, but to rehabilitate her image, tarnished by Joe Exotic's claims that she killed her first husband. 

Hopefully, none of the judges will be fed to tigers if they give her poor scores. (We're kidding, we're kidding!)


Former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders had a disturbing anecdote in her memoir, saying that Korea dictator Kim Jong Un had appeared to hit on her, and Trump suggested she "take one for the team." Read the creepy tale here

That'll buy a lot of bumper stickers

The Biden campaign announced they raised a record-shattering $364.5 million in August, in the wake of announcing Sen. Kamala Harris joining the ticket.

Must See Clips

Soup-er Weird

A video clip of Trump from July went viral this week, showing the president prattling on about protesters showing up with "bags of soup" cans to use to assault police officers.

The video drew widespread mocking, especially for Trump's overly detailed description of how people might throw a can of soup versus a brick, and caused #SoupNazi and other soup-related hashtags to trend on Twitter. 

Heat up a bowl of chicken noodle to enjoy, and watch Trump's weird soup rant here.

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