July 19, 2016
Reinvent Your Self-Image & more courses

Dear DailyOM Friend,

We're honored to share with you these on-line courses on DailyOM this week:

Reinvent Your Self-Image by Krishanti - Through this 4 week course with intuitive consultant, Krishanti, you will be guided to reinvent yourself, creating a positive, powerful, sparkling, radiant presence that announces to the world how much you LOVE yourself and your life. Imagine the energy of your true spirit amplified across the entire spectrum, shaping the whole of your experience, creating lasting excitement, happiness and fulfillment. This course will show you how to tap into the right internal energy to make that happen. Your self-image is a combination of both your energetic vibration and your physical form. It informs the world of who you are, what you think of yourself, an! d how you expect to be treated. If your self-image is not in alignment with your true spirit, your vibration will feel tired, shabby and low. This course will help you identify and shift your vibration, wake up your soul, and re-program your energy field so you can transform your self-image and start living the life you really want. more

How to Create an Empowered State of Mind by Joeel and Natalie Rivera - In this 21 day course with motivational speakers, Joeel and Natalie Rivera, you will learn how you can make massive changes to your reality and your experience of life in less than 7 minutes a day. Have you ever noticed people who are always happy or things seem to go right for them even when things are not going right? Studies show that it is not your environment that determines how successful or happy you are or how great your relationships are. It is your state of mind. People with the right state of mind live longer, have better and longer lasting intimate and social relationships, get promoted more often, earn more, and, more impo! rtantly, experience more happiness. This course will give you the tools and techniques to help you feel happy, confident, grateful, or at peace no matter what is going on around you. Through repetitive anchoring of positive emotions, you will be able to quickly and easily evoke a state of confidence, happiness, joy, and gratitude. Through daily questions designed to rewire your conscious and unconscious mind, you will be able to change patterns, see life from a different perspective, and create habits that will help you create a truly happy life. more

Finding Your Way Back to You by Heather McCloskey Beck - This 9 week course with author and speaker, Heather McCloskey Beck, will take you on a wondrous journey to help you remember what you leaped into this life to do, and begin living the meaningful life you were born to live - now! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to feel happy and fulfilled, to live a life directed and guided by your own natural inclinations, your own creative interests, and personally impassioned ideas? Do you feel that there is room for improvement in your life - for you to become happier, more inspired and fulfilled? Through this course you will discover that life is not meant to be a struggle, full o! f pain and hardship, but rather a beautiful expression of creativity and joy; that you were born a resonant Genius, with the capacity to create a life that you truly love. You will learn how to move through resistance and social constraint, how to step out of the encumbering stories that limit you, and how to get onto the pathway to becoming you. You will be shown how to weave your inspired ideas into the actions of your daily life, regardless of where you are or what you are doing. more

How to Flourish During Challenging Times by Frank Ra - This 8 week course with Dharma instructor and author, Frank Ra, will teach you how to harmonize your life and flourisheven in challenging times. Many of us are not living our full potential, our dream life, because we do not yet act from a space of possibilities. You can live your dream and be happy by cultivating happiness for the benefit of all beings. This course is designed to help you expand your awareness to see life as a journey from perceived fragmentation to Oneness. You will discover BioHarmonizing and what you can do with it. As you receive the teachings of this course you will begin to identify what is really meaningful and moti! vating to you, acquire tools to be active and attentive, and find skillful means to cultivate your resiliency and respect. Learn to expand your awareness and live your dream! more

Face Your Fear, Find Your Courage by Dawn Romeo and Linda Voogd - This 7 week course with psychotherapists Dawn Romeo and Linda Voogd, will help you identify the obvious and more subtle fears that prevent you from making positive change. Many people live lives that are unsatisfying, often longing to change it to something reflective of their hopes and dreams. If you have been feeling stuck, unsure where to go next, and don't know where to begin, then this is the place to start. Developing courage allows you to create the happiness you want and deserve in your life. Courage is a state that is achievable once you understand what it really is. Through this course you will learn to distinguish betw! een helpful and unhelpful fear, to recognize fears signals, and how to move forward in spite of fear. Aligned with renewed vision and purpose, you will engage with yourself and the world in a way that reflects passion and integrity, and find that you have the courage to face fear and dissolve the hold it has on your life. more

Also, be sure to check out the following most popular courses on DailyOM:

1. 21 Day Yoga Shred
2. Release Yourself from Family Karma
3. Heal Yourself with Writing
4. Break the Grip of Past Lovers
5. Find True Love in 27 Days
6. 8 Week Whole Body Makeover!
7. Master the Path of the Peaceful Warrior
8. 21 Day Yoga Body!
9. Create Badass Habits!
10. Moving from Stuck to Flow

For more information visit:
> DailyOM Courses


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