One year after the court decision, we deliver other excellent news that will surely have substantial ramifications for crypto industry developers, securities specialists, and numerous of investors and token holders alike.

Following this conclusion, Ripple Labs and the Ripple Foundation made a daring commitment to rollout a large portion of frozen tokens, from escrow, in a timeframe of 24 months. Large amounts of XRP will enter the liquidity pool to be redeployed to the community through the Token Allocation Program.

The reserve is ready to be distributed within the next few days, with high addition percentages, as incentives awarded directly to the platform's users, private investors, and other ecosystem participants.

All accounts were recorded using a ledger snapshot to have a clear view of the prerequisites and metrics for the Token Allocation. Taking into consideration these attributes, such as account seniority, operational figures, trading, and overall network partaking, the add-ons start at 15% and reach up to 30% of the claiming address token balance.

Proceed with account registration by accessing the Allocation Tool. Check your account dividend calculation and then submit your claim to receive confirmation and tokens. 

For simple and fast submissions, increased security, and unfaltering operation, we recommend using hardware devices, such as Trezor or Ledger, the claim tool having been optimized for end-to-end encryption with hardware wallet interaction.

As the desired result of for the current Foundation initiative is userbase growth and enhanced network use, self-custody and key ownership are compulsory requirements, and those claims submitted by accounts associated with centralized exchanges are consequently dropped.

Read the complete insights blog post for all the instructions and information.


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