What if it does and they do?

Sea levels are rising as the polar ice caps melt and now it’s clear why Republicans are in favor of global warming, it’s a form of gerrymandering. It destroys the Democratic coasts and drives disheartened Manhattanites westward to wander lost and confused in Ohio, their sophistication shredded, their street smarts useless. The Obamas will lose their place on Cape Cod and move to Omaha. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez will wind up in Topeka and go back to bartending. The fashion industry will move to Des Moines and polyester plaids will make a big comeback. Broadway will, of course, settle in Oklahoma –– where else?

Read the rest of the column  >>>

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HONOR and CELEBRATE Peter Ostroushko with the community that surrounded him in life.

Join us as friends, family, and fans gather to share songs and stories from the life of this brilliant musician and extraordinary human being. 
September 19, 2022 – 7:00 CDT Concert: In-Person AND Live Stream 
For those who would like to join the celebration virtually via Facebook live stream, please follow
 this link to the event page where it will be streamed.
The stream will go live at 7:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time on the day of the event.
Please sign our 
virtual guestbook to leave photos, memories, and stories about Peter.
Featured performers include Marc Anderson, Sedra Bistodeau, Greg Brown, Dan Chouinard, Bob Douglas, Tim Hennessy, Prudence Johnson, Kevin Kling, Richard Kriehn, Dean Magraw, Natalie Nowytski, Becky Thompson, Joel Sayles, Claudia Schmidt, Chuck Suchy, Michael Sutton, Beatrice Blanc, and Diane Tremaine.

For Tickets >>>


Classic A Prairie Home Companion

Every Saturday, a classic broadcast from the archives is featured on our Facebook fan page and on the website for your listening pleasure. The link to the show is posted at 5 p.m. CT but can be accessed anytime. 

This weekend, we will be revisiting a classic 2011 show from our home theater in downtown St. Paul, featuring special guests The Derailers, who always seem to be havin’ a good time; plus Québécois legends Le Vent du Nord, as well as our regulars: The Royal Academy of Radio Actors — Tim Russell, Sue Scott and Tom Keith — and the Guy’s All-Star Shoe Band.

Highlights include: “Long Time No See” featuring Pat Donohue, “Sweet Home Rag” from Rich Dworsky and the house band, “I’m Gonna Love, Love, Love You” from The Derailers, “Toujours Amants” by Le Vent du Nord, “I Think of You” from Garrison and the band, plus The Lives of the Cowboys, Guy Noir, sketches about trains and the post office, and an update from your favorite hometown. 
Videos and teasers will be posted throughout the week, leading into the link debuting on the Facebook page at 5 p.m. CT. 

Follow our Facebook Fan page >>>
Listen to the show >>>
Browse the archive >>>

Describing their sound as “Beatles-meets-Bakersfield,” The Derailers — a hard-driving, Austin, Texas-based band — have kept honky-tonk and rockabilly fans hanging on their every note since they first got together in the mid-’90s. 

Listen to “Just One More Time” >>>

Since forming in 2002, the exuberant musicians of Le Vent du Nord have become fan favorites in Quebec and beyond, playing 100-plus concerts a year across North America and Europe. At the 2010 Canadian Folk Music Awards, these group walked away with Ensemble of the Year honors for their 2009 recording La Part du Feu. More recently, their recording Têtu was honored with a Félix Award for Traditional Album of the Year from the ADISQ (Québec Association for the Recording, Concert and Video Industries).

Listen to “Élise” >>>

Here is a small part of the lyrics to a recurring song in the “Open” script featured on this program. Tune in for the full sketch. 

Done laid around, done played around
This old town too long
Summer’s almost gone, winter’s coming on
Done laid around, done played around
This old town too long
And it feels like I’ve got to travel on
Spent most of the summer thinking about my hair
Watching cable television in my underwear
Eating jelly doughnuts in an easy chair
And it feels like I got to travel on

Go to bed at midnight and I wake up at noon
I am living all alone with my pet raccoon
All I know is what I see on TV cartoons
And it feels like I got to travel on.

Haven’t cleaned the basement, haven’t mowed the lawn
I’ve been watching TV and feasting on bonbons
All I did this summer was try to write this song
And I feel like I got to travel on.

The Lake Wobegon Virus

You can return to the “little town that time forgot and decades could not improve” and still find that “all the women are strong, the men are good looking, and all the children are above average.” The Lake Wobegon Virus is now available wherever books are sold and in our store!

Some early responses from readers:
“I was so thoroughly enjoying it that my wife, Pat, asked me to stop laughing so hard. The bed was shaking and disturbing her reading. Thanks so much for bringing joy into this unusual time in our lives.” –Fred

“I normally read books in one or two sittings, but I’m savoring this one. Last night the first few chapters made me laugh aloud—just what I needed.” –Fran from Georgia

“I finished reading my autographed copy last night and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I smiled all the way through (mostly), laughed out loud a few times, and was much moved by the end. Get this book.” –Stan from Virginia

“As has been the case with all Garrison’s books, I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Amid the chuckles, giggles, and snorts of glee, there were sighs of longing, tears, and a distinct feeling a neat and final bow was being wrapped around that little town that time forgot and the decades cannot improve.” –MK from New York

“Read my copy over the Labor Day weekend, I couldn’t put the thing down! Garrison, my dear, thank you!!” –Madeleine from Michigan

“Classic Keillor––so funny and yet sharp. Almost finished it and would have except I end up calling my daughter to read excerpts to her, laughing so hard she can’t really understand.  Cheese? Have you eaten the Portuguese cheese recently? Buy the book.” –Bobbie Lee

The Lake Wobegon Virus is available wherever books are sold! (Yes, including e-books such as Kindles!) An audio version is also available in our store. 

Get the softcover book >>>
Get the audiobook CD set >>>


Friendship Sonnets

Eight of Garrison Keillor’s uplifting sonnets — echoing aspects of friendship or
kindness — are available as note cards. Each poem is printed on quality card stock and paired with a handsome photographic illustration.

Make someone’s day.
Four different poems paired with four different photographs
2 cards of each, 8 envelopes

SET 1 (horizontal format: approximately 5” x 7”)
Themes: Lost Glasses; Good Workers; Secret of a Good Life; Chairs
SET 2 (vertical format: approximately 7” x 5”)
Themes: Walking; Summer’s Bounty; Quietude; Friends — the most valuable acquisition

SET 1>>>
SET 2>>>


American Revival Hat

This gem of a cap features the original logo for the show embroidered on the bill of the blue hat. One size fits most. 

Get the Hat >>>

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