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Call for 2019 Home Health Administrator's Summit
Poster Submissions!
Dear John,

DecisionHealth is excited to open the application period for poster presentations at the 2019 Home Health Administrator’s Summit, to be held May 15-17 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.

The poster session is a great opportunity for agencies to highlight for a national audience innovative strategies you use to care for patients, achieve performance improvement or otherwise excel in the home care space. Posters may not promote an individual product.

If you’re interested in presenting a poster, click here to submit your idea.

The deadline to apply is Friday, March 1.

Here are a few details you need to know:
  • The 2019 Conference Committee will review all applications and select those chosen for presentation. All applicants will be notified following the Committee’s decision in March.
  • Presenters will be given a $200 discount off their conference registrations. If the poster is presented by a team, the discount will apply to one member.
  • Presenters must be able to spend one hour with their poster during a dedicated poster viewing time outside regular session times. Presenters who do not particulate in the session hour will be billed for the $200 discount. The date and time of the presentation session will be announced at a later date.
  • Posters may be NO WIDER than 36 inches and NO HIGHER than 48 inches. Posters exceeding these limits will be turned away.
We look forward to hearing about your poster idea!

Thank you,
Josh Poltilove
Lead Content Manager
Submit Poster Application
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