Don't Miss the Deadline for Speaking at the CSA Conference

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Tomorrow is the last day to submit session proposals for the CSA Conference!


Be sure to submit your proposal in order to be considered for speaking this year in Atlanta, August 11-13, 2020 at the 7th Annual CSA Conference.


The deadline for proposals is tomorrow, February 13th.


Proposals will only be accepted if they are submitted using the online form which can be accessed at .


To learn more about the CSA Conference, go to or call 800.653.1785.




The CSA Conference sessions fit into the following formats:

  • 75 minute general sessions
  • 60 minute breakout sessions
  • 20 minute lightning sessions

All sessions provide opportunities for facilitated discussion and Q&A. Sessions with a case-based approach, a balanced view of issues, and a diversity of perspectives spanning across the senior industry professions are preferred. Joint submissions that span the interests of multiple program tracks are also encouraged. Sessions should include national content and multiple perspectives on issues. More information on program tracks are available at .



August 11-13, 2020 for the 7th Annual CSA Conference. Check back regularly for session and speaker updates at .





We are currently accepting sponsors for the 2020 CSA Conference. Go to to learn how to promote your business to conference attendees, or call us at 800.653.1785.



Society of Certified Senior Advisors


720 S. Colorado Blvd., Suite 750 N.Denver CO 80246

