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Join our free 30-Day Energization Challenge

Recharge your body-battery with the dynamic Energization Exercises from Paramhansa Yogananda

For those of you who need a little extra encouragement or had difficulties signing-up to the Challenge (it’s simpler now!) , please click on the link below. You will receive the Day #1's email within 24 hrs of your subscribtion.
You can join the Challenge any time, beginning at Day 1.
4-Part Arm Recharging Exercise Video
Sign Up Here
Also... As a reward for completing the 30-Day Challenge, we can offer you 22% off any of these courses taken before March, 2017.
Be a Channel of Divine Grace
Tools for Success and Happiness
Yoga for Stronger Bones
Strengthen Your Kriya Practice
Deepen Your Meditation
Life, Death and Beyond
Spiritual Yoga
Pranayama For Deeper Meditation
Recreate Yourself
Discover Your Own Happiness
Spiritualize Your Marriage
Courage, Calmness & Confidence
Spiritualize Your Daily Life
Now that's a great incentive to keep striving to re-charge your body battery, create optimum health, freedom of movement and have a greater flow of energy. Remember "The Greater the Will, the Greater the Flow of Energy" - Paramhansa Yogananda.
Energization Exercises Basics Video with Gyandev McCord
Energization Basics Video
Energization Exercises DVD x2
Energization Exercises DVD's
Energization Exercises Social Media Icon
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