Join us tomorrow for another great conversation!
Join us tomorrow for another great conversation!
  Ministry with Children

May Web Chat:
Engaging Children with Special Needs

"You are the body of Christ and parts of each other." — 1 Corinthians 12:27
Families and children with special needs are the body of Christ, and we are all connected through Christ. It is through our love of God and one another that we plan ministries that include people with special needs. 
Lynn Swedberg, consultant for the Disability Ministries Committee of The United Methodist Church, and Elizabeth Christie from the Eastern Pennsylvania Annual Conference will be our special guests TOMORROW (Tuesday, May 9), as we discuss and share ways that congregations can commit to the inclusion of those with disabilities

Engaging Children with Special Needs
Tuesday, May 9

12:30 p.m. ET  |  11:30 a.m. CT  |  10:30 a.m. MT  |  9:30 a.m. PT
Register Now

About 'Tuesday Tea with Melanie' 

"Tuesday Tea with Melanie" is a webinar series focused on embracing children and families as part of the disciple-making process in local congregations. The series unpacks the enlivening questions at the center of children’s faith formation: Will our children have faith? How do we help children grow in faith? We gather experts to explore these questions in their complexity as they impact the lives of children and families in the digital age. 
By participating in "Tuesday Tea," you will not only connect with an online community of others engaged in ministry with children, you'll have the ability to create your own network and communities. These support systems can equip you to communicate in fresh new ways to others and inspire you to more fully engage children and families in the life of the church.  
Mark your calendars now for future "Tuesday Tea" dates:
12:30 p.m. ET  |  11:30 a.m. CT  |  10:30 a.m. MT  |  9:30 a.m. PT

June 6
August 15
September 12
Additional information about topics and special guests will be available as each date approaches.
Pour a cup of tea and plan now to join us for rich and impactful conversation.

Have questions?

Email us at and we'll be happy to assist you.

Ministry with Children
Discipleship Ministries | The United Methodist Church
1908 Grand Avenue, Nashville, TN 37212 US
(877) 899-2780 ext. 1762