In this issue, November 13, 2018 View it in your browser.

Remote Culture, JetBrains Datalore, Uber's Big Data Platform, Modern OSs, JDK 9 and Beyond, Google Carlo, NativeScript 5.0, Netflix Production Data Migrations

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Azure 101: The Complete Developer’s Guide

New and updated, this guide is designed to help you get up to speed with Azure in the shortest time possible and includes practical real-world scenarios focusing on web app, security, serverless and DevOps. Download now.

Jim Rose on Building a Great Engineering Culture in a Remote Team

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Jim Rose of Circle CI about building a great engineering culture in a distributed, remote team. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Data Lakes and Modern Data Architecture in Clinical Research and Healthcare

  2. JetBrains Introduces Datalore 1.0, an Intelligent Web Application for Data Analysis

  3. Event Sourcing to the Cloud at HomeAway

The Evolution of Uber's 100+ Petabyte Big Data Platform

Uber's engineering team wrote about how their big data platform evolved from traditional ETL jobs with relational databases to one based on Hadoop and Spark. A scalable ingestion model, standard transfer format and a custom library for incremental updates are the key components of the platform. (News)



A NoSQL Database Architecture for Real-Time Applications.

Download this white paper to learn about a new kind of NoSQL database architecture that delivers speed at scale for real-time applications while using up to ten times fewer servers than most other databases. Download now.


  1. Microsoft Announces the General Availability of Azure Event Hubs for Apache Kafka

  2. New Updates to Firebase: Enterprise-Grade Support, ML Kit Face Contours, Management API, and More

  3. DigitalOcean Announces Managed Databases

Decoupling in Cloud Era: Building Cloud Native Microservices with Spring Cloud Azure

To implement a microservices architecture there are common patterns to use. Spring Cloud realizes these patterns as building blocks, and Spring Cloud Azure takes it one step further. (Article)

Who Is Running My Kubernetes Pod? The Past, Present, and Future of Container Runtimes

Container runtime choices have grown over time to include other options beyond the popular Docker engine. The Open Container Initiative (OCI) has successfully standardized the concept of a container and container image in order to guarantee interoperability between runtimes. This article looks at the past, present, and future of container engine implementations. (Article)

Justin Cormack Explores the Changes, Limitations, and Opportunities within Modern OSs at QCon SF

At QCon San Francisco, Justin Cormack explored "The Operating System in 2018". The biggest changes in this space include: performance driven improvement, such as eBPF and userspace networking; the changing role of operations, and how operators use and deploy operating systems; and emulation and portability. (News)



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JDK 9, 10, 11 and beyond: Delivering New Feature in the JDK

Simon Ritter takes a look at some of the Java features, JPMS (JDK 9), local variable type inference (JDK 10), dynamic class file constants (JDK 11), and what to expect from JDK 12-14. (Presentation)

Under the Hood of Reactive Data Access

Mark Paluch explains what happens inside the Spring Data 5 reactive driver and how data is accessed and provided in a reactive way. (Presentation)

Reactive Relational Database Connectivity

Ben Hale discusses the Reactive Relational Database Connectivity (R2DBC), explaining how the API works, the benefits of using it, and how it contrasts with the ADBC proposed as a successor to JDBC. (Presentation)



Camel in Action Mini Book (Second Edition)

Learn how to use Apache Camel to route messages from a variety of transports and APIs, how to build and deploy lightweight integration applications as microservices, and more. Download Now.

Blazor: C# Running in the Browser via WebAssembly

Scott Sauber introduces WebAssembly, explaining why it isn't another Silverlight, and then showing through demos how Blazor works. (Presentation)



Redgate 2019 State of Database DevOps Survey

Our annual survey is the leading research on Database DevOps - if you're using SQL Server take part now for an advance copy & a chance to win a $250 Amazon voucher. Take part now.

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Moddable IoT JavaScript Engine: 99% ES2017 Compliance with Requirement of Less Than 32KB RAM

  2. Google Releases Versions 7.0 and 7.1 of V8 JavaScript Engine

  3. UI Development Environment "Storybook 4" Supports Six New View Layers, Including Ember and MarkoJS

  4. Google Introduces Carlo, a Node.js Web Rendering Surface

JetBrains Releases React-Based "Ring UI" 1.0 Web UI Components

The RingUI 1.0 release introduces a new visual language for components within light and dark environments, adds support for CSS properties and modules, and adds new Message, Tabs, and Toggle components. (News)


  1. New R8 Android Code Shrinker Available in Android Studio 3.3 Beta

NativeScript 5.0 Brings Better Developer Experience and More Native Features

The latest release of NativeScript includes a number of changes, such as improved support for Vue.js, better developer experience, and more native features. Additionally, NativeScript 5.0 includes the new NativeScript-Schematics, an Angular extension helping developers to build web and mobile versions of an app from a single project. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Apollo Launches GraphQL Platform and VS Code Extension

  2. Building Resilience in Netflix Production Data Migrations: Sangeeta Handa at QCon SF

Challenges of Building a Reliable Realtime Chat Service

Realtime chat has become a common feature of modern applications. These days not only communicators and social networks allow users to talk with each other over the Internet—chat is crucial in healthcare, e-commerce, gaming and many other industries. (Article)

Seth James Nielson on Blockchain Technology for Data Governance

Seth James Nielson recently hosted a tutorial workshop at Data Architecture Summit 2018 Conference about Blockchain technology and its impact on data architecture and data governance. (Article)

Be the one that brings innovation to your team

Get your monthly guide to all the topics, technologies and techniques that every professional or aspiring software architect needs to know about. Recent topics include serverless, chaos engineering and event-driven design.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Bringing the Humanity Back into Customer Support

  2. Managing in Organisations without Managers: Self-Management in Action

James Bach on a Career in Testing and Advice for New Players

In this interview, James Bach explores making software testing legible and how to assess the values of your testing work and risk in a software product. He talks about how to overcome the testing automation pesticide paradox, and how should we leverage AI and ML in our testing. With more than 30 years software testing experience, Bach gives three pieces of advice to software testing beginners. (Article)

Q&A on the Book Code with the Wisdom of the Crowd

The book Code with the Wisdom of the Crowd by Mark Pearl explains how mob programming can be used to collaboratively solve problems. It also provides scenarios to fine-tune and adjust the interaction during mobbing for specific situations and advice for preparing mobbing teams and developing the skills needed for effective mobbing. (Article)

Data-Informed HR for High-performing Teams

Aubrey Blanche provides actionable strategies and methodologies needed to build balanced, high-performing teams at scale. (Presentation)

Product Management of AI Products

Manjeet Singh discusses how to bring AI to enterprise product lines, how to analyze, plan, and design AI in a SaaS environment along with practices and lessons learned from Agile AI product lifecycle. (Presentation)

LeSS Conference 2018: Discussion Panel

Erin Perry moderates a panel on LeSS with questions from the audience. (Presentation)