WWDC: How to watch it; Companies pause facial recognition, but questions remain
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Gender Decoder and blind resumes: How to remove bias in your hiring process

HR leaders use language analysis to rewrite job descriptions and an interview scorecard to level the playing field for all candidates.

Additional TechRepublic resources

Where and how to watch Apple WWDC 2020 on June 22

Equitable tech: Companies pause facial recognition, but major questions remain

Cisco Live 2020: CEO Chuck Robbins pledges "To power an inclusive future for all"

SAP SAPPHIRE NOW 2020 keynote suffers technical glitches, CEO outlines company's plan to help build "intelligent enterprises"

Microsoft Teams and Skype users can now chat together

How AI can help find a coronavirus vaccine

Microsoft 365 phishing campaign exploits Samsung, Adobe, and Oxford University

Zoom changes course on end-to-end encryption and offers it free to everyone

IT leaders say productivity went up during lockdown despite delaying projects and security work

Microsoft to integrate Chromium version of Edge in next Windows 10 update

Atari CEO touts future of blockchain in gaming

Apple: Our App Store supports half a trillion dollars in sales

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IBM's new Watson Works products use AI to help companies plan when to safely send employees back to the workplace

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