Plus: Why the architecture world hates The Brutalist.
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Film Today
Renée Zellweger on the return of Bridget Jones
Big knickers, bad decisions and old bats  
Renée Zellweger on the return of Bridget Jones
Nearly 25 years after the first film, the actor, her co-stars and the writer Helen Fielding discuss the ultimate singleton, love and loss – and the final resting place for Bridget’s massive knickers
Picks of the week
Cynthia Erivo  
‘I’ve never talked about how tough my journey has been’
‘I’ve never talked about how tough my journey has been’
From Godard to Coppola, Van Sant to Anger, Marianne Faithfull was a dazzling magnet for film-makers
From Godard to Coppola, Van Sant to Anger, Marianne Faithfull was a dazzling magnet for film-makers
Claes Bang  
‘I think I have more of a sense of humour in English than I do in Danish’
‘I think I have more of a sense of humour in English than I do in Danish’
No phone, no watch, no problem  
Should we all be more like Severance’s Christopher Walken?
Should we all be more like Severance’s Christopher Walken?
Felicity Jones  
‘I try not to look in the mirror too much’
‘I try not to look in the mirror too much’
Backlash builds  
Why the architecture world hates The Brutalist
Why the architecture world hates The Brutalist
Peter Bradshaw's film of the week
A Mike Leigh classic of day-to-day disillusionment and courage
Hard Truths  
A Mike Leigh classic of day-to-day disillusionment and courage
Marianne Jean-Baptiste is exceptional as a woman in the terrifying endgame of depression in this deeply sober and compassionate drama, not without flashes of fun
This week's reviews
The Fuzztones vs the World  
Veteran garage revivalists keep on rocking
Veteran garage revivalists keep on rocking
By the Stream  
Hong Sang-soo’s likably restrained pastoral comedy of campus life
Hong Sang-soo’s likably restrained pastoral comedy of campus life
Dark Match  
Satanism meets wrestling in backwoods grindhouse gorefest
Satanism meets wrestling in backwoods grindhouse gorefest
Saturday Night  
Unbearably self-indulgent sketch of an iconic comedy show
Unbearably self-indulgent sketch of an iconic comedy show
The Colors Within  
Musical teen anime is a synaesthetic joy
Musical teen anime is a synaesthetic joy
We recommend
Chilling secrecy, quaintly soft-porn sex
Eyes Wide Shut  
Chilling secrecy, quaintly soft-porn sex
Stanley Kubrick’s last film, starring Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise as a warring, sexually obsessed couple, is fascinating and disquieting
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