InformationWeek Cloud
10 Must-Have Cloud Skills; Cloud and Financial Management; SASE Implementation Steps

InformationWeek Cloud
June 19, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Can You Renegotiate Your Cloud Bill by Refusing to Pay It?
Twitter has reportedly withheld payment to Google Cloud as it haggles over price. Is it a risk for other companies to try such methods?

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10 Must-Have Enterprise Cloud Skills

To thrive in today’s multi-cloud environment, every enterprise IT team needs professionals with these 10 cloud computing skills.
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A FinOps Approach to Negotiations With Tech Vendors

The process of finding cost savings is increasingly complex, as hybrid IT estates increasingly rely on cloud. FinOps’ collaborative approach is vital.
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SASE Implementation: 5 Steps to Take Before You Go Live

SASE can fill in your edge security needs, but implementing SASE requires planning and coordination.
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Cloud Migration: 9 Ways to Ease the Agony
The pandemic spurred all companies to move to the cloud. But that doesn’t mean the job is done. Here are some tips to make the move less torturous. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Hardest IT Jobs to Fill
If you’re an IT leader or tech manager struggling to hire for one of these positions, you’re not alone. If you’re an IT professional with experience in these roles, you’re in luck. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Generations in the Workplace: Stereotypes and Facts
Do IT leaders need to treat workers from different generations differently if they want to keep them happy? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
9 Hottest IT Certifications Right Now
These technology certifications not only command higher-than-average salaries, but their value also increased substantially in recent months. Read More
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