The Save the Internet Act passed its second major hurdle in Congress
Free Press Action


Another Net Neutrality victory in the House!

The Save the Internet Act passed its second major hurdle in Congress — passing out of the full Energy & Commerce Committee last night. And the bill could be headed to a full floor vote as early as next week.

We’ve got momentum, but this is the moment we really need to get the phones ringing off the hook.

Call 202-751-4622 today and tell Rep. Ted Lieu to vote for the Save the Internet Act with no loopholes.

When the office picks up, say:

I’m calling to urge Rep. Lieu to pass the Save the Internet Act with no loopholes. This legislation would restore real Net Neutrality protections — which is a critical civil-rights issue.

We can’t afford to lose this vote. Net Neutrality is critical for ensuring that people of color, LGBTQ folks, women and other vulnerable communities who have been shut out of the mainstream media are able to communicate, organize and tell their own stories. The open internet enables people to access education, health care, economic opportunity and more.

With one more vote to go in the House, this will be the moment the cable and phone lobby scrambles to put everything it's got into trying to stop this bill.

If our representatives aren’t hearing from people about this constantly for the next week, there’s a good chance they’ll vote the wrong way. And that’s the wrong call: Polls show that more than 4 out of every 5 people across all political affiliations support restoring real Net Neutrality.1

Taking two minutes to make this call (and maybe another two to tell your friends to do it) could make all the difference. Call 202-751-4622 today and make sure Rep. Lieu is on board for supporting the Save the Internet Act with no loopholes.

Thanks for all that you do—

Candace and the rest of the Free Press Action team

1. “Overwhelming Bipartisan Public Opposition to Repealing Net Neutrality Persists,” Program for Public Consultation, University of Maryland, April 18, 2018:

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