URGENT: The House is holding a hearing on Net Neutrality


Yesterday the House held a hearing on the Save The Internet Act, which would restore the strong open-internet protections the Trump FCC ended in 2017.

During the hearing, it became abundantly clear that there's still confusion about what this bill does. With three other bad Net Neutrality bills also on the table, it's urgent that we tell our members of Congress that there's only one piece of legislation that would save real Net Neutrality: The Save The Internet Act.

Call 202-751-4622 and urge Rep. Lieu to support the Save the Internet Act.

When the office picks up, say:

I’m calling to urge Rep. Ted Lieu to support the Save the Internet Act. This legislation would restore real Net Neutrality protections and will stop ISPs from discriminating against content online.



Free Press Action


URGENT: Today members of the House are holding a hearing on a bill Democrats introduced last week that would restore real Net Neutrality protections — which means every member of Congress needs to hear from the internet right now.

The Save the Internet Act would restore the protections Trump’s FCC destroyed and safeguard internet users from discrimination from companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon. But the cable and phone companies are pushing alternate bills to try and confuse members of Congress — and those bills would allow the big ISPs to violate our rights online.

The more calls we can make today, the better chance we have of getting our lawmakers to support the right legislation and save the internet for the long haul.

Call 202-751-4622 and urge Rep. Ted Lieu to support the Save the Internet Act.

When the office picks up, say:

I’m calling to urge Rep. Lieu to support the Save the Internet Act. This legislation would restore real Net Neutrality protections and will stop ISPs from discriminating against content online.

Thanks for making the call—

Heather, Candace, Sandy and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Urgent: The House is holding a hearing today on the Save The Internet Act. Call your lawmakers using the phone number and script above and urge them to support this bill.

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