It Is Time To Restore Your Lawn After The Hot Summer Months... Use Dr. JimZ Velvet Green Lawn Food and Enjoy The Reward! Velvet Green Lawn Food® is a great alternative to mainstream chemical fertilizer. Our ultra premium, all natural lawn fertilizer is loaded with nutrition and is designed to rejuvenate soil while stimulating lawn growth... This is hands down the most complete fertilizer on earth and everyone should be using it! Most lawn fertilizers contain heavy amounts of nitrogen that burn carbon out of the soil, harm the micro-life, and remove important nutrients needed for a healthy soil ecosystem. Dr. JimZ® Velvet Green Lawn Food® contains a synergistic carbon to nitrogen ratio that will build your soil up and lay the foundation for a beautiful, lush, green lawn with less problems. - Restore your lawn after the hot summer months!
- Concentrated plant material derived from a source where plants have grown and died over the course of millions of years balanced with a touch of nitrogen to stimulate growth. This is the ultimate Fall Lawn Fertilizer!
- Covers 2000 sq. ft. Use broadcast spreader on #10.
Buy 25lbs Velvet Green Lawn Food Today! Freight Paid! |