Declining BTC Supply
The supply of Bitcoin per person is declining. By 2050, it's estimated to be only 215,572 sats (0.002 BTC) per person.

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📝 Today's Rundown
  • 💵 Stage Is Set: Bitcoin is a paradigm shift from fiat money.
  • 🇭🇰 Hong Kong ETF: Is this form of "paper bitcoin" really beneficial? 
  • 🏆 Bitcoin's Wealth Preservation: The attributes that make bitcoin the best money.
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A Bitcoin 2023 Treasure Hunt
We're pleased to introduce the Daily Newsletter's Bitcoin 2023 Discount Treasure Hunt! 

Each week, a single-use unique code in the format of "BMDAILY50[X]" (with [X] being varying bitcoin terms) will appear in a random spot in one of the daily newsletters. The day will be picked at random as well. The code will get the lucky winner 50% off tickets (fiat payments only) to the Bitcoin 2023 Conference in Miami, happening May 18-20.

Be sure to check the daily newsletters as soon as you receive them to try and win! 
💵 Stage Is Set

The Stage Is Now Set: Bitcoin Will Replace Fiat
By Beautyon

This article was featured in the "Orange Party" edition of the Bitcoin Magazine Print — subscribe here.

In this piece, Beautyon argues that Bitcoin will eventually replace fiat currency and become the main way that people spend money, both online and offline. It cites the development and success of the Bitcoin network and consumer-grade Bitcoin tools, as well as the adoption of Bitcoin in El Salvador, as evidence of its potential to become the dominant form of currency.

He also suggests that Bitcoin has the ability to bring prosperity and economic stability to Africa by replacing the fiat currency system, which is associated with the "unethical, evil, unbalanced, and unworkable systems of control" of Western democracy. It further claims that Bitcoin will eliminate the possibility of state-sponsored mass murder, as it removes the ability to fund such actions through the creation of fiat currency.

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🇭🇰 Hong Kong ETF

Hong Kong Stock Exchange’s First Bitcoin Futures ETF Receives $53 Million In Initial Investments
By BtcCasey

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange has approved the first bitcoin futures exchange-traded fund (ETF) in Asia, the CSOP Bitcoin Futures ETF, which will allow investors to trade the ETF starting December 16. The ETF will track the Chicago Mercantile Exchange's bitcoin ETFs through active investment and has received approximately $53 million in initial investments at a listing price of $1 (HKD 7.75).

The approval of the ETF has both positive and negative connotations, as it signals acceptance of bitcoin in traditional finance in the Asian markets, but the ETF is not backed by a reserve of actual bitcoin and cannot be exchanged for real bitcoin.

The Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong has allowed the launch of ETFs tracking crypto futures for public offering, which marks the first time Asian retail investors can have exposure to virtual assets.

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📰 The Daily Bits

🇷🇺 "It will be impossible to prevent" Bitcoin and crypto from being used as payment in Russia — Central Bank's Deputy Chairman.

🧐 Binance's bitcoin balance sees its largest one-day outflow ever and the price legitimacy for the exchange-native BNB token is called into question.

🌎 Even after Bitcoin inevitably becomes the world reserve currency and bitcoin mining solves our energy problems, governments will intervene.

🤡 Clown Show: Bitcoin Magazine Live on the unexpected Donald Trump NFT.
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🏆 Bitcoin's Wealth Preservation

Why Bitcoin Is The Ultimate Wealth Preservation Technology
By Leon Wankum

Bitcoin has emerged out of the world of fiat money. Fiat money was designed to be manipulated by economists who believe that their central planning can overcome natural downward pressure from markets. 

But this simply trends towards the debasement of money, stealing the value of all those who choose to save in said fiat currency. 

Bitcoin is the ultimate technology for preserving wealth because it has the unique characteristics that make it a good store of value. These characteristics include durability, portability, fungibility, divisibility and especially scarcity.

In this article, Leon Wankum compares bitcoin to four other commonly used wealth preservation technologies (gold, bonds, real estate and equities) and argues that bitcoin outperforms them all. 

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By @TheBitcoinConf

It started small, but Bitcoin is a snowballing movement of sovereign control over money. What individuals have now, is a tool that gives them control over their own wealth. When you have many individuals equipped as such, the effects can be staggering. 

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