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 Download Igloo's 2019 State of the Digital Workplace Report 
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Earlier this year, Igloo set out to determine the state of the digital workplace in companies large and small, across all industries. The results might surprise you – the current digital landscape within the companies surveyed is not meeting the needs of employees.
In the 2019 State of the Digital Workplace report, we share key findings and outline opportunities for business leaders to improve communication, collaboration, and information sharing — recommendations that directly reflect the pain points the modern workforce is still experiencing.
Key Findings:
  • Remote workers feel left out – nearly 70% of employees who work remotely report encountering challenges they would not find in the office.
  • Adoption of certain apps can create risk – 1 in 4 surveyed report using instant message or chat to share a sensitive document.
  • Existing tools aren’t cutting it – 43% of respondents said they avoided sharing a document because it was too hard to find, up 12% from last year.
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