TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 14, 2016

Staunch Conservative Mike Pence to Be Trump's Running Mate

By Elizabeth Preza, AlterNet

In a nod to the GOP's hard-right, Trump will likely choose a governor who sought to legalize discrimination. READ MORE»

811 People Have Died in Jail Since Sandra Bland Became National News

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

A new Huffington Post investigation explores the dire state of vulnerable people in jail. READ MORE»

Robert Reich: Here's What to Expect at the Conventions—And the Real Reason We Have Them at All

By Robert Reich,

Think of them as the political version of a national sales convention for the top-earning sales reps at your favorite corporation.  READ MORE»

WATCH: Colbert Rips Trump v. Ginsburg Feud—Scares the Bejeezus Out of Us in the Process

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Colbert's reference to Bush v. Gore reminds us how close this election could be.  READ MORE»

Surprise! Trump Polls a Dazzling Zero Percent Among Black Voters in These Two Swing States

By Elizabeth Preza, AlterNet

There is a group of people who cannot be fooled. READ MORE»

The Growing Gender Divide Over 'Ghostbusters': Why Movies Starring Women Get Slimed by Male Critics

By Nico Lang, Salon

Because film criticism is so male-dominated, men have a disproportionate say—especially on movies about women. READ MORE»

Did the New York Times Really Need to Let Jamie Dimon Crow About the Measly Raise He Is Granting Employees?

By Elizabeth Preza, AlterNet

The "gray lady" made the very edgy move of allowing a corporate CEO to praise himself in an op-ed. READ MORE»

NYPD Cop Secretly Records Supervisor Pressuring Him to Racially Profile Black Men

By Bethania Palma Markus, Raw Story

He was expecting a routine performance evaluation. READ MORE»

Director of Movie Based on Landmark Case About Interracial Marriage Has Message for Today's Bigots

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"Loving," by Jeff Nichols premiered at Cannes and hits theaters in November.  READ MORE»

A Year Ago, Video Fakers Tried to Swift-Boat Planned Parenthood: Instead, They Helped Strengthen It

By Meteor Blades, DailyKos

With restored funding in New Hampshire, a legal victory in Texas, and the video makers exposed as frauds, the organization is stronger than they were before. READ MORE»

Daniel Radcliffe Plays Former FBI Agent Who Infiltrated White Supremacist Groups in Upcoming Film

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Twelve years after leaving the FBI, Mike German's story is told in a new feature film. READ MORE»

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