Why Trumpism is here to stay.

Republic of Fear

Donald Trump has already transformed American culture. Even if he loses the election, Trumpism is here to stay.

By Jeet Heer

The Agony and the Ecstasy of the Ugly Cry

Unburdened from the need conceal emotion, the crying woman is a force to behold.

By Rachel Vorona Cote

For Colombia, After Peace Is When the Trouble Begins

As the country takes another step toward resolving its rebel insurgencies, its other problems are coming to the fore.

By Steven Cohen

Why Are We Colonizing Puerto Rico?

A GOP proposal to resolve the island's debt crisis would harm its economy, sideline its democracy, and boost corporate profits.

By David Dayen

Ted Cruz Is a Damn Good Actor

As Wisconsin TV viewers are discovering this week, nobody’s better at the “talking directly to you” ad than the Texas senator and former thespian.

By Laura Reston

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