Plus, why COVID-19 research should be a global public good, and more...
August 24, 2020
Republican Voters Embrace Trump’s Cult of Destruction

A majority of the president’s base believes the coronavirus death toll is acceptable. What more needs to be said at this week’s convention?

By Libby Watson



How to Break a Big Pharma Monopoly on a Covid-19 Vaccine The race for a cure has put a spotlight on corporate control over medical research. Under a Democratic administration, it doesn’t have to be that way.By Alexander Zaitchik
The Republican National Convention’s Carnival of White Grievance The week’s lineup is further proof that the party’s survival depends on racist culture wars.
By Nick Martin
Trump’s Incredible Ignorance of Suburbia The president sees suburban America as a bastion of white affluence—an outdated view that could cost him the election.By Timothy Noah


When the Republican Party Was Sane President Eisenhower inherited a GOP that looked much like today’s—but he tamed the extremists and led as a moderate conservative.
By Bruce Bartlett
Health Care Reform Is Being Slashed Into Oblivion Biden says we don’t need radical ideas like Medicare for All to fix our broken system. But his more modest reforms may already be dead on arrival.By Libby Watson


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