The Soapbox: A weekly roundup of TNR’s political coverage
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A weekly roundup of TNR's political coverage
Republicans Are Ready to Abandon Ukraine
The GOP is turning against continued support for Ukrainians fighting off a Russian invasion.

by Alex Shephard
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DeSantis? Haley? Whoever else? Forget it. The disgraced, twice-impeached, soon-to-be-indicted racist conman is still the frontrunner.
by Michael Tomasky
His one-term presidency was underrated—and his long post-presidency was overrated.

by Jonathan Alter
The left doesn’t do hero worship like the right does. But for God’s sake, what the president just did was amazing.

by Michael Tomasky
A new poll shows that economic populism trumps anti-woke ranting in the industrial heartland.

by Timothy Noah
From the archives:
IK-28, a maximum-security Russian penal colony, is located in Yertsevo, in the northern Arkhangelsk region near the Arctic Circle. 

by Max Avdeev, Julia Ioffe

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