Plus, why we rely on the courts over the democratic process, and more...
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March 9, 2021
Why Do Americans Have So Few Rights?

How we came to rely on the courts, instead of the democratic process, for justice

By Samuel Moyn


A Trial Can’t Bring Justice for George Floyd Convicting a police officer of murder or creating more oversight won’t stop the killingBy Melissa Gira Grant
How Big Money Is Dividing American Catholicism A schism in the faith between liberals and conservatives is being exacerbated by a group of plutocrats.By Katherine Stewart
Republicans Aren’t Even Trying to Fight the Democrats’ Covid Relief Bill They want to talk about Mr. Potato Head—and that’s been a good thing for the political media.By Alex Shephard
Enduring Lessons for Humanity After a Year of Birding, Hiking, Gardening, and Just Sitting Under Trees Covid-19 pushed many outdoors. Will they use their newfound environmental awareness for good?By Eleanor Cummins


Are We Ready for the Return of Mass Tourism? A new book explores the impact tourism has had on our politics, our planet, and our selves.By Sophie Haigney
Joe Manchin Wants to Pass a Popular Gun Control Bill That Will Save Lives, but He Loves the Filibuster More The failure to pass a background checks bill exposes just how little bipartisanship matters.By Osita Nwanevu


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