Plus, the FBI's role in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, and more...

July 22, 2021
Mitch McConnell Dusts Off the GOP’s Debt Ceiling Scam
Republicans are pretending to be the party of fiscal responsibility again.
by Alex Shephard


It’s become fashionable to suggest climate activists are too hard on Joe Biden. Being hard on Joe Biden is what got climate spending into the infrastructure package.
by Kate Aronoff
If January 6 couldn’t correct the Washington media’s worst tic, nothing can.
by Alex Shephard
An explosive report on the plot against Michigan’s governor raises crucial questions about “anti-terror” enforcement, which can rest more on appearances than tangible change.
by Melissa Gira Grant
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The emotional burden of climate change can be overwhelming alongside the grief and frustration of our own lives.
by Liza Featherstone
The great discoveries of the age captivated his imagination. He almost always misunderstood them.
by Colin Dickey


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