AlterNet Newsletter

TODAY'S TOP STORIES - February 19, 2017

Cowardly Republicans Are Running Away from Voters and Cancelling Town Meetings This Weekend

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Only 19 GOP members—a tiny number—will face critics in public. READ MORE»


5 Republican Disgraces You Missed This Week Watching Donald Trump Combust

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

Jason Chaffetz isn't even masking his villainy anymore.  READ MORE»


My Friends and I Are Willing to Spend Time in Jail Fighting for Environmental Justice

By Emily Johnston, AlterNet

Ever wished for a fight that was truly meaningful? Well, now we have one. READ MORE»


Has Donald Trump Finished Off Conservative Thought Once and for All?

By Andrew O'Hehir, Salon

The movement once had a coherent philosophy. After the neocons, bigots and neo-fascists, there's nothing left. READ MORE»


Report: Michael Flynn's Replacement Turned Down the Job After Watching Trump's 'Unhinged' Press Conference

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

Robert Harward had been personally tabbed by the president. READ MORE»


Washington Officials Say They've Never Seen Anything Like the Chaos and Ineptitude of Trump's White House

By David Smith, Ben Jacobs, The Guardian

"Our government continues to be in unbelievable turmoil. We're a nation at war." READ MORE»


11 Disturbing Parallels Between Hate Politics in India and the United States

By Teesta Setalvad, AlterNet

Donald Trump and Narendra Modi appear to be on similar trajectories. READ MORE»


How Alex Jones' Wild Conspiracies Breed Potentially Deadly Plots

By Southern Poverty Law Center Staff, Southern Poverty Law Center

He's been spreading fake news and hysteria online for a decade, but pizzagate shows his words lead to violence.  READ MORE»


Trump's Travel Ban Is Taking an Immeasurable Toll on Muslim Families

By Jody Mashek, OtherWords

I've seen firsthand how a new executive order is impacting moms and kids here in the United States. READ MORE»


Trump's Attack on the Media as an 'Enemy of the People' Has Eerie Historical Echoes

By Steve Herman, Jeff Seldin, Voice of America

The president is adopting a popular tactic of 20th century totalitarians. READ MORE»


Why the Great Writer James Baldwin's Insights About America Are More Relevant Than Ever

By Sophia A. McClennen, Salon

A powerful new film confronts our country's racism past and present. READ MORE»


Death Eaters Not Only Walk Among Us—Now They Occupy the White House

By John Sanbonmatsu, The Huffington Post

J.K. Rowling called it back during the Republican primary. We should be terrified. READ MORE»


LSD Microdosing Is Trending in Silicon Valley, But Can It Actually Make You More Creative?

By Barbara Sahakian, Camilla d'Angelo, George Savulich, The Conversation

Research suggests that LSD and other psychedelics induce a flexible state of mind.  READ MORE»


When Israel First Occupied the West Bank

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

A new documentary examines the settlement expansion in the wake of the Six-Day War. READ MORE»


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