Plus, the costs of remote work catching on, and more...
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January 13, 2021
Republicans Rethink “Law and Order” Once They Become Its Target

Much of Congress thinks rules are for other people.

By Nick Martin


Against Remote Work After decades of being about to catch on, remote work may have finally arrived for good. But at what cost to our privacy and sanity?The Politics of Everything Podcast Hosted By Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene
The Call Is Coming From Inside the House (and Senate) Can members of Congress trust each other to keep their colleagues safe?By Matt Ford
Liz and Dick Cheney Are No American Heroes If they’re the conscience of the Republican Party, then the post-Trump era will be just as destructive as the past four years were.By Jacob Silverman


Fossil Fuel Companies Are No Friend to Democracy BP and other companies have expressed outrage over the Capitol riot, but they have a history of supporting authoritarians in other countries.By Kate Aronoff
Is Tether Just a Scam to Enrich Bitcoin Investors? A widely used cryptocurrency can’t escape investigation and controversy—and it may be fueling another coin bubble.By Jacob Silverman
How a Democratic Senate Can Ease the Coronavirus Crisis Jon Ossoff’s and Raphael Warnock’s victories in Georgia have opened up a whole new world of pandemic response.By Melody Schreiber


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