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Board Members and staff of Res Artis: Marnie Badham, Gordon Knox, Daniel Marro, Josephine Mead, Oyindamola Fakeye and Nao Hirata at the 2023 Res Artis Conference in London, hosted by Acme with UCL.

Image: Board Members and staff of Res Artis: Marnie Badham, Gordon Knox, Daniel Marro, Josephine Mead, Oyindamola Fakeye and Nao Hirata at the 2023 Res Artis Conference in London, hosted by Acme with UCL. Absent: Marie Fol, Anupama Sekhar and Eliza Dawson. Photograph by Hydar Dewachi.

Dear Res Artis Community,

As 2023 draws to a close we are taking some time to reflect on all that Res Artis has achieved over the past year. Our work would not be possible without our 650+ amazing Members, the artists they support and our dedicated staff and Board.

2023 has been the 30th year of Res Artis! We have celebrated by sharing Member stories; holding our annual Res Artis Conference in London — Mind the Gap: designing residencies for everyone, hosted by Acme with University College London  (UCL) in September; embarking on a fresh round of regional and thematic meetings; working towards eco-certification through SHIFT; welcoming Isabella Capezio as our inaugural residency artist for the Res Artis X PHOTO 2024 Residency program; and have held six exhibitions in our Project Space. We are thrilled to have appointed Board Member Oyindamola Fakeye as Chair and are currently in the process of Strategic Planning. We look forward to developing a First Nation Board role in the coming year and increasing representation of Members in currently under-represented areas.

As ever we are busy promoting many diverse new
Open Calls from our valuedMembers located in all corners of the globe. We work to assist our 650+ Members to create programming that is transparent, diverse, sustainable and professional.

We have welcomed 130 new Members to Res Artis in 2023. We can’t wait to share our future plans, including details for our 2024 conference with you in the new year!

We wish you a peaceful close to 2023 and an optimistic start to 2024.

From the team at Res Artis

Please note: the Res Artis office will be closed from December 23rd 2023 - January 16th 2024.

View Current Open Calls

A Message from our Chair

A portrait of Res Artis Board Member Oyindamola Fakeye.

Image courtesy of Oyindamola Fakeye. Image description: A portrait of Res Artis Board Member Oyindamola Fakeye.

It is with immense joy that I address you as the newly elected Chair of the Board of Res Artis. Since joining this remarkable organization last year, I've had the privilege of collaborating with an exceptional team—a group driven by a profound commitment to serving our Members and fostering the arts worldwide through the invaluable medium of arts residencies. Our global board presence has provided a rich diversity of perspectives that fuel Res Artis. Drawing inspiration from our varied local contexts, we are cultivating a platform that is not only relevant but impactful in each and every continent. 

The recent convergence of our staff and board in London for this year's annual conference was a powerful reminder of the significance we place on interpersonal connections, artist travel, and in-person collaboration. As we engaged with of our Members, during the conference, we witnessed the strides taken to make arts residencies more accessible. These interactions became a source of inspiration, driving our discussions on the progress we've made as an organization and the exciting road ahead.

Wishing you all a creative and inspiring year ahead.Oyindamola F Res Artis Chair

Statement from the Res Artis Board


Image: Convenor Jon Opie (Head of Artist Support,Acme, UK) joined by artists Lisa-Marie Harris (Trinidad & Tobago/UK), Shaymaa Shoukry (Egypt) and crazinisT artisT (Ghana) for 'Mind the Gap: designing residencies for everyone' 2023 Res Artis Conference, hosted by Acme with University College London (UCL). Photograph courtesy of Hydar Dewachi.

Res Artis as an organization and as a collective of Members is devastated and broken-hearted by the preponderance of violence and exertion of political and military power. The heart-rending devastation and destruction taking place across the planet between neighbors and within countries is tragically destructive and in absolute, urgent need of reversing. We firmly believe that, more than any other human activity, art establishes opportunities for conversation—a vital alternative to the current wars of elimination routinely exercised by those blinded by power.

Creating an environment that acknowledges our shared existence and presence on the planet has never been more crucial. Artist residencies hold the power to empower artists to think, create, and engage in ways that overcome dehumanization, fostering unity at local, regional, and global levels. In these sensitive times, we must as a community rise to the occasion, by providing the supportive structures needed for healing and the cultivation of peace.

If you are an artist at risk or are attempting to support an artist at risk, we suggest you contact:

Artists at Risk: at Risk Connection:

Artist at Risk

30 Years of Res Artis!
Videos to celebrate our Members & the artists they support!

A screen shot of the Res Artis Youtube channel, showing several videos of Res Artis Members and artists.

Image description: A screen shot of the Res Artis Youtube channel, showing several videos of Res Artis Members and artists. Image courtesy of Res Artis.

To celebrate 30 years of Res Artis we have been publishing a suite of videos to hear from our wonderful Members and the artists they support! Did you know we have 650+ Members in over 80 countries. They range from tiny grassroots arts organisations to major institutions. Go to our Youtube channel to watch today!

30 Years of Res Artis: videos celebrating our Members & artists

Regional Meetings

A screenshot from an online meeting with arts professionals from Germany and Res Artis. Meeting participants are smiling at the screen.

Image description: A screenshot from an online meeting with arts professionals from Germany and Res Artis. Meeting participants are smiling at the screen. Image courtesy of Res Artis.

Res Artis Members expressed the need for regional networking opportunities following our 2023 conference. Since then we have begun to initiate regional meetings to identify key needs, issues and developments in the global arts residency field, and will continue to do so in 2024. So far we have met with artists, residency hosts and cultural professionals from Ukraine, Japan, Argentina and Germany. These meetings offer an opportunity for Res Artis to listen. Our findings from the meetings will be used to influence our advocacy work, assist with funding issues and create a more sustainable global arts residency field.

Offering diverse and inclusive residency experiences?

We want to hear from you!

A group of people sitting outside on grass in a circle

Image courtesy of Res Artis Member BIRCA, Denmark. Image Description: A group of people sitting outside on grass in a circle.

We have been busy at Res Artis, starting conversations with residency providers, artists and cultural professionals to assess the main needs and issues that exist within the arts residency sector in relation to access, inclusion and diversity. The information we collect over the coming months will be used to create resources for our Members, to ensure their programs are as inclusive as possible.Do you have a story you want to tell relating to access within arts residencies? We want to hear from you!

Email our Communication & Program Coordinator Josephine Mead:

Sustainable arts residencies

Image: Attendees of 'Mind the Gap: designing residencies for everyone' - hosted by Acme with University College London (UCL), September 2023. Image courtesy of Hydar Dewachi.
At Res Artis we are committed to encouraging a global future for the arts residency sector that focuses on environmental sustainability. We are currently working towards green certification through the SHIFT Initiative, aside 15 like-minded cultural organisations. We are in the process of developing an Environmental Policy and a detailed Environmental Action Plan for Res Artis.

Are you a residency host or artist interested in how you can facilitate or undertake arts residencies with a focus on reducing carbon emissions? We have some tools to share with you! Do you have a website? Have you considered how much carbon it is generating?
Neuto and Wholegrain Digital are online tools that can help you track and reduce your online carbon emissions. Want to track your wider carbon emissions?Googleoffers a free tool to do just that! When undertaking travel for a residency program, think about how you can limit your travel emissions as much as possible. Take public transport instead of private transport. Select carbon reduction travel options where possible and consider environmentally sustainable accomodation options. Continue to think about digital possibilities. Together we can create a future for arts residencies that focuses on sustainability! We look forward to sharing further tips with you in the new year.

Learn more about SHIFT Eco-Certification

Res Artis X PHOTO 2024 Inaugural Residency Program with Wetlab

Image: A black and white portrait photograph of artist Isabella Capezio. Image courtesy of Lesley Turnbull.

Res Artis is thrilled to announce the recipient of the inaugural Res Artis X PHOTO 2024 Residency: Isabella Capezio. Isabella will undertake a residency at Res Artis and experience studio sessions with Naarm colour darkroom Wetlab to produce work for an exhibition as part of the PHOTO 2024 program in the Res Artis Project Space. PHOTO 2024 is an annual international photography festival that takes place in Melbourne, Australia.

Isabella Capezio is a photographer, artist and a lecturer in Photography in the School of Art at RMIT. Isabella’s research and artwork engages in themes of failure, queerness and landscape. As a PhD candidate, Isabella is experimenting with alternative ways to reflect on place, vision, ‘nature’ and colonial frameworks of power through landscape photography. Isabella’s interest in modes of publication and the production of photo-books has led them to the role of coordinator of the Asia-Pacific Photo-book Archive and within that role has facilitated a number of workshops in the Asia Pacific region. Isabella has also co-run a small photographic gallery, and has curated educational materials for the photojournalism collective

Learn about Wetlab

Fair + Equitable (F+E) Program by

Screen shot from CVAN's website showing three blue images with links to 'F+E Resources', 'F+E Events' and 'F+A Opportunities' for their Fair + Equitable Programming.
Image: Screen shot from CVAN's website showing three blue images with links to 'F+E Resources', 'F+E Events' and 'F+A Opportunities' for their Fair + Equitable Programming. Image courtesy of CVAN.

Our friends at Contemporary Visual Arts Network England (CVAN) have created Fair + Equitable (F+E) — a five year programme and commitment to instituting equity within the visual arts sector in England.

The aim of the Fair + Equitable program is to make a significant contribution, over a five year period, to developing a visual arts sector and ecology that facilitates the leadership opportunities of artists and arts workers from underrepresented and marginalised communities, as well as supporting them to thrive. 

The programme is grounded in the lived experience of artists and arts workers who are the most marginalised, specifically individuals who identify as part of Global Ethnic Majorities, disabled and neurodivergent, LGBTQI+, and working-class communities. 

Learn more on through CVAN's

Learn more about CVAN's 'Fair + Equitable' Program

Advertise with Res Artis

Image credit: Screenshot from Res Artis Advertising Promotional package, showing image from Res Artis Conference in Iran with white text over-laid that reads 'Advertise Through Res Artis.'
Would you like to advertise through Res Artis? We are committed to sharing opportunities for artists! All of our Member's content and advertisements from non-Members are vetted to ensure they align with our values and vision!

Advertising options are suitable for Res Artis Members, arts residency hosts that are not Res Artis Members, like-minded arts and cultural organisations and artists. We have an extensive reach through our website, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Our public eNews alone reaches +23,000 global subscribers.

Click to Download Advertising Information Kit

Donate to the Res Artis Archive!

[Image Description: A close up photograph of books in a shelf.]

Image credit:IImage: Herman's Library in der Akademie Schloss Solitude. Photograph courtesy of Jana Hochdorfer. [Image Description: A close up photograph of books in a shelf.]

Do you have publications or ephemera that you would be willing to donate to the Res Artis Library? At our global headquarters in Melbourne, Australia we have an archive of books and ephemera, collected from valued Members and partner-organisations over our multi-decade history. The collection celebrates the diversity and innovations of the arts residency sector. We are always interested in adding to the archive, to ensure our Member's work, projects, and initiatives can be shared and appreciated for decades to come! We want to celebrate the work done by our Members and the creatives they support. If you have produced or own publications relating to residency experiences and would like to donate to the Res Artis archive, please post any materials to:

Res Artis
44 Glasshouse Road, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia, 3002.


Res Artis Project Space

Image: Installation view: ‘Thank You For The Days’ by Mika Nakamura-Mather at Res Ar-tis Project Space, 2023. Image courtesy of Charles Lai

In 2023 we have hosted six exhibitions in the Res Artis Project Space, located on Wurundjeri Country (Collingwood), Australia. We have celebrated work from Mika Nakamura-Mather, Kiah Pullens, Chris Bowes, Karen Black, Virginia Leonard, Scotty So, Elvis Richardson, Zilverster (Goodwin & Hanenbergh) and Andrew Atchison. Stay tuned for the 2024 program launch!

Member Packs and Benefits

Six people standing on the street in Athens chatting, while attending an event through FaveLAB Residency in Athens.
Image credit: Photograph courtesy of Res Artis Member FaveLAB residency, Greece. Image description- Six people standing on the street in Athens chatting, while attending an event through FaveLAB Residency in Athens.

As a Res ArtisMember you get a wide range of benefits. These include promotion of your program and Open Calls to our extensive network; information on the global residency sector; Member-support from our dedicated team; opportunities to connect with like-minded organisations and institutions; advocacy support; information on digital opportunities and exclusive access to our annual conferences.

We have been busy building Member Resource Packs that can assist Members in professionalising their programs. The Packs we have produced so far include information on program promotion, artist promotion, residency agreements, advertising support and advice on how to create meaningful online experiences. Already a Member? Login in to the Member Portal on the Res Artis website to view the packs for free. Not yet a Member? Follow the link below to learn more...
Learn how to become a Res Artis Member Today!!
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Collingwood, Victoria 3066

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