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Res Artis Open Calls Closing Soon!!!
a group of artists inside the studio/gallery space at LIA-Leipzig International Art Programme in Germany. Two people are standing and two are sitting and projection-based artworks are pictured.
Photograph courtesy of Res Artis Member LIA-Leipzig International Art Programme, Germany.[Image description: a group of artists inside the studio/gallery space at LIA-Leipzig International Art Programme in Germany. Two people are standing and two are sitting and projection-based artworks are pictured.]

We have an amazing selection of diverse Open Calls closing soon! Scroll down to see what opportunities await, in order of closing date...

Res Artis has over 600 members across more than 80 countries. All our members offer unique residency experiences. Apply for a residency today: expand your practice and build your network!

Image description: promotional visual for the 2023 Res Artis conference, with red, orange and blue shapes spelling out 'London' on an off-black background. White text reads: "Mind the Gap: Designing residencies for everyone, 6-9 September 2023, London, England." White logos from Acme, Res Artis and UCL feature in the bottom right corner.

Did you know that we are currently Calling out for Speakers for our upcoming 2023 Res Artis Conference?

Deadline for submissions: 11am, Monday 6 March 2023 (UTC)

'Mind the Gap: Designing residencies for everyone' will run from 6 - 9 September (2023) and will be hosted by Acme, in partnership withUniversity College London (UCL).

Titled 'Mind the Gap: Designing residencies for everyone', the conference will bring the international artist residency community together in the UK for the very first time, celebrating the 30th anniversary of Res Artis and 50 years of Acme. This year’s event will help chart a future for impactful residency opportunities, with a focus on optimism and practical working solutions for issues facing the sector. Taking place in London with live-streamed sessions, 'Mind the Gap: Designing residencies for everyone' will explore our post-pandemic and increasingly fragmented world. The event will propose co-creation and collaboration as solutions to shared obstacles faced globally by residency providers and the artists they host.
View all current OPEN CALLS
The large red brick building at the Mecklenburgisches Künstlerhaus Schloss Plüschow residency program in Germany
Photograph courtesy of Mecklenburgisches Künstlerhaus Schloss Plüschow, Germany. [Image description: The large red brick building at the Mecklenburgisches Künstlerhaus Schloss Plüschow residency program in Germany.]
The vibrant green grounds of the Instituto Sacatar residency building in Brazil.
Photograph courtesy of Res Artis Member Instituto Sacatar, Brazil.  [Image description: The vibrant green grounds of the Instituto Sacatar residency building in Brazil.]
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