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Res Artis New Company Directors

As we transfer our international headquarters from the Netherlands to Australia, Res Artis is delighted to announce the appointment of two new Company Directors of the Australian company, Res Artis Limited -  Sophie Travers (pictured left) as Secretary and Daniel Marro (pictured right) as Treasurer. 

Sophie Travers (Australia) is the Director of Collingwood Yards in Melbourne, Australia.  She has worked internationally for the Australia Council for the Arts and British Council.  Sophie has a broad range of arts leadership roles across Europe and Australia, speaks six European languages and is learning Indonesian.

Daniel Marro (Australia) is a banking and financial services professional with more than fifteen years experience.  He is degree qualified in Law (with Honours) and Business with a particular focus and interest in Human Resource Management.  Daniel has previously served as Non-Executive Director of several not-for-profit organisations in the mental health and community care sectors in Australia.

Res Artis is in the process of restructuring our board in order to reflect the diverse and global character of our network.  We will be seeking applications for new board positions soon and look forward to sharing that information with you.

Res Artis Conference 2021 Bangkok: Defining the Next Decade
8, 10-11, 14, 16-17 September 2021


Res Artis along with host partner SAC Gallery, Bangkok have been hard at work finalising the details for the first ever fully virtual Res Artis conference, Defining the Next Decade.

The conference will examine the tremendous continuing impact of COVID-19 and the future of the international arts residencies field. We will present the results of Res Artis survey data and examine new models of arts residencies that have evolved in response to the pandemic. Included topics of discussion are the rise in local exchange, virtual residencies, and digital residency activity that has occurred while physical exchange is paused.

We will launch the early bird registrations along with programme details in July, so stay tuned!

Northern AiR network launched in Finland


In partnership with Res Artis, KultuuriKauppila has launched the Northern AiR network in Finland.  Encompassing six municipalities in northern Finland, the network aims to increase cultural mobility and promote and connect the unique offerings of this region.  You can read more about this partnership here.

New website for On The Move

Our friends at On The Move have been hard at work developing a new website.  Res Artis encourages as  members to search for information on cultural mobility projects or find funding via regional or country-specific funding guides.

Digital Art Mobility 2021 Online International Conference
17 April 2021

Part 1.  Digital Art Mobility 2021 is an international conference on the exchange of experiences of successful practices of online residencies.
Part 2.  Digital Art Mobility 2021 is an international conference on the exchange of experiences of successful practices of online residencies.

Res Artis Board Member Luigi Galimberti was one of the speakers in the recent Digital Art Mobility (DAM) 2021, a free international online conference on the exchange of experiences of successful practices of online residencies. The conference was organised and curated by Res Artis member Nazar Voitovich Art Residence/ Мистецька резиденція ім.Назарія Войтовича with moderators Lucy Nychai and Olena Kainska. 

The conference occurred on 17 April 2021 in cooperation with NGO Congress of Culture Activists, Res Artis, All-Ukrainian Youth Center and supported by the European Union under the House of Europe Program.

Arts en Résidence Symposium Reflecting Residencies


President of Rs Artis, Lea O'Loughlin was delighted to participate in the first Arts en résidence international symposium Reflecting Residencies which ran during 22 - 23 October 2020.  Lea collaborated with President of Arts en résidence, Ann Stouvenel to moderate a session on International trends in the hosting of artist residency programmes.

Creativity from Home 家からはじまる芸術創造            Experimental Remote Residency for Creative Thinkers by Co-iki

“Creativity from HOME”  家からはじまる芸術創造                         
: Experimental Remote Residency for Creative Thinkers.     Operated by co・iki

世界各国のクリエイターによる実験的リモートレジデンシー / co・iki

Artist-in-Residence under the Pandemic - Remodelling Residencies took place in 26 November 2020, organised by Res Artis member co・iki and AIR NETWORK JAPAN.  In collaboration with: Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio, Natsukashii Miraisozo K.K. (KESEN AIR-ART-LIFE) and A.I.T., Kyoto Art Center.  The transcript is available here.

A Publication from Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture

Res Artis member Seoul Art Space Geumcheon has shared a very meaningful publication.  This book is a collection of short essays about the thoughts and activities of four Asian institutions during COVID-19.

You can read it here.
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