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Rescued Dogs that Become Service Dogs — From Dumpster Dog to Hero Dog

Miraculous Coincidences that Saved Lives

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Rescue from Across the Rainbow Bridge
From Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams and the Unexplainable
By Regina Schneider

If there is a heaven, it's certain our animals are to be there. Their lives become so interwoven with our own, it would take more than an archangel to detangle them.
~Pam Brown

Shortly after my cat Molly died in June 2010, I started having two seemingly different health issues. My left leg developed a weird kind of ache, and I started to have some problems breathing. My doctor said we all start having joint problems at a certain age, and the problem with my leg was probably some arthritis starting in. As to the breathing problem, she assured me it was probably just a combination of allergies and grief over Molly's death.

After all, Molly had spent almost every day of her twenty-two years with me. Anyone who knew me knew it was going to take me a long, long time to accept her passing. She was such an amazing little cat. She was so stoic in dealing with anything that came her way — new cats in our household, her developing kidney disease, new relationships in my life. She was a quiet, little sentinel who was by my side no matter what. (Keep reading)

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Watch episode five in our series with Amy Newmark, editor-in-chief and publisher of Chicken Soup for the Soul, as she talks about how the "fake it to you make it" mindset could be the perfect recipe for personal growth.

Chicken Soup for the Soul Pets

Did you know March is Poison Prevention Awareness Month? Be on the lookout for many common household items in your home that could be harmful — or even deadly — to your beloved pets. Click here for information from our friends at American Humane for the surprising pet poisons hiding in plain sight.


Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles and More on sale now!

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101 stories about the miracles that are all around us if we open our eyes!

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Looking for a movie the whole family can enjoy? How about trying one of our free Popcornflix family-friendly favorites available on our Popcornflix YouTube channel? Click here for more information!

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