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Research for Semantic Business Applications

For over a decade, the Semantic Web Company is operating at the intersection of research and business. We make sure that new technologies enter the market fast and that research projects provide relevant solution approaches to business challenges.

Semantic technologies are at the core of our activities, but we don’t stop there. Related fields such as natural language processing and machine learning play a crucial role in our technology stack. Take a look at our new website and explore our current research projects.

We are very proud to announce that our research project DALICC has been awarded as the best contribution to accelerate information technology by the Austrian Ministry for Mobility, Technology & Innovation! Also our semantic business section is celebrating an important success. The PoolParty consulting team has been awarded as MarkLogic partner of the year. 

Let us inspire you with some more semantic technology news during the summer!
Join us for insightful webinars and register for upcoming events in autumn.

All the best, 
Semantic Web Company Team 

Knowledge Engineering Survey 2017

Knowledge Engineering is a core discipline when building semantic applications. We experience a growing demand in knowledge engineering technologies and services. However, there are still many unanswered questions about what practitioners really need to become effective. Contribute to this survey and help us close the gap between assumptions and the status quo in practice!  You will get a free survey report after its publication in November 2017.

MarkLogic Partner Award 2017

PoolParty Semantic Suite is a core component of semantic information architectures. MarkLogic is the leading enterprise graph database on the market and has awarded PoolParty as Strategic Partner of the Year. We are looking forward to advance semantic applications together!
Take a Look!

PoolParty 6.0 Has Landed!

In June 2017 our flagship product PoolParty 6.0 has been released. With the newest features such as the Semantic Middleware Configurator, ontology-driven GraphSearch server and Wordsense Induction, PoolParty has become the most complete semantic middleware on the global market. 
Learn More

10.000 Documents: Semantic Search for Climate Technologies

Our customer CTCN has launched its semantic search portal for its subject domain around climate technologies. The portal bundles over 10.000 publications, news and reports and makes them searchable on a very granular level. 
Explore the Application

New Customers We Proudly Serve



International Conference
September 11th - 14th

Join information management professionals and learn more about semantic technologies at the leading conference for semantic solutions ! Speakers: The application deadline for industry and use case presentations was extended to mid of July!
Attend the Conference

Structured Docs + Taxonomy: Finding New Answers in Your Content

Online Webinar
September 28th
5:00 PM CEST

Content often is associated with documents. In order to search and reuse it efficiently we need not only to annotate it meaningfully, but we have to break it down into information snacks. In this webinar you will learn how to make your content actionable.

KMWorld 2017

International Conference
November 6 - 9th

We proudly sponsor KMWorld conference: it covers a broad range of topics on knowledge technologies, information management, search technologies, and data science. It is co-located with Taxonomy Boot Camp, Enterprise Search & Discovery, SharePoint Symposium, and Text Analytics Forum. 
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