Costly Conversations Research Study

The hard cost of soft skills.


What problems keep you up at night? What employee behaviors get in the way of your results? We’re willing to bet the way your employees talk with one another is at the root of those problems.

At VitalSmarts, we’ve studied the impact of workplace communication and found that every failed conversation (a conversation not held or held poorly) costs you $7,500 and more than seven work days in lost time and resources. The value of dialogue in the workplace cannot be overstated. Included in our research study, you'll learn:

  • The disproportionate impact dialogue has within an organization.
  • How to identify negative trends before the issues get worse.
  • The 4 skills you'll need to hold successful crucial conversations.

Download our e-book for the full research study. Learn more about the impact of communication in your workplace and start creating a culture of effective dialogue.


The VitalSmarts Team

