Reshaping healthcare delivery means reshaping nursing leadership. Enter the chief nursing optimization officer role.
Monday, September 30, 2019

'I believe our senior leaders saw that nursing was changing and becoming more operationally minded. They came up with a fantastic title: 'chief nursing optimization officer,' and that's how I got here,' says Betty Jo Rocchio, MS, BSN, CRNA, CENP, chief nursing optimization officer at Mercy in St. Louis.

"The Times They Are A-Changin,'" could be an anthem for the nursing profession. As you'll see in this week's feature story, Betty Jo Rocchio is someone who doesn't just keep up with the changes, she's consistently one step ahead. She shares how the role of the nurse executive is changing and what skills and knowledge leaders need to keep pace with the future.

Also, in this issue:


Reshape the Nurse Leadership Role
Reshaping healthcare delivery means reshaping nursing leadership. Enter the chief nursing optimization officer role.
Big Innovation Ideas for Smaller Hospitals
Hospital executives at the HealthLeaders CEO Exchange share their approaches to innovation. Commitment is more important than system size.
Want To Reduce Suicides? Follow The Data — To Medical Offices, Motels And Even Animal Shelters
A suburban county outside of Portland, Oregon, is using data collected from death investigations to prevent suicides.
Seven Things You Should Know About Your Resuscitation Training Provider
Today you have more choices than ever before for resuscitation training. Here are seven key things to ask when evaluating a training provider to be sure you are choosing the most effective training for this life-saving skill.
Insurers Test New Way To Cut Maternity Care Costs: Bundling
A handful of insurers and state Medicaid programs are experimenting with bundled models, sometimes incorporating hospitals and other health providers.
Screening for Social Determinants of Health Limited at Healthcare Organizations
Most hospitals and physician practices do not screen for all five of the social determinants of health featured in the federal Accountable Health Communities model.

Must Reads

Nurses return to work at University of Chicago Medical Center following strike
Mold discovery halts elective surgeries at L.A. County-USC Medical Center
Los Angeles Times
Walmart's Sam's Club launches healthcare pilot to members
FOX Business
Mount Carmel Health System raising minimum wage to $15
Comparison shopping for healthcare? Online tool isn't helpful, say hospitals

Thanks again for spending your valuable time with us. I'm always eager to hear suggestions, thoughts, and story ideas. You can send them my way at or Tweet @jen_NurseEditor.


Jennifer Thew, RN
Senior Editor, Nursing