Hello Humble Bitcoiners!

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📝 Today's Rundown
  • Retail Miners: Retail bitcoin miners can adapt to different market environments and because of their incentives, can stay in the market.
  • Legalize Btc: The Ministry of Communications and Multimedia of Malaysia calls on Parliament to legalize transfer of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
  • Collateral Spending: The Bold card will allow users to spend U.S. dollars on a line of credit collateralized by their bitcoin holdings.


How Retail Bitcoin Miners Outlast Their Institutional Counterparts
By Zack Voell

There are two kinds of miners: those that are driven by profit and those driven by ideology and conviction. Most high scale and institutional miners operate just for profit and regularly, every bear market, a significant percentage of them become insolvent and are pushed out of the market. 

As time goes by, data and statistics indicate that independent miners operating from home or at a small scale are the most resilient ones. They usually endure adverse market conditions much better than large corporate miners because of their distinct and diverse motives. Most of them are in the mining game to demonstrate their support for the Bitcoin network and its ideology. Some others value privacy and non-KYC Bitcoin more than market volatility. Even those that mine Bitcoin at home just as a hobby, as a gambling game or even to reuse the heat produced by ASICs have demonstrated that price is irrelevant and that they can survive difficult market conditions.

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Malaysia Discusses Legalizing Bitcoin, Regulatory Obstacles
By Shawn Amick

Every day that goes by, the world’s awareness of the importance of Bitcoin increases. Countries increasingly evaluate the effect that a decentralized, scarce and unstoppable monetary standard can have inside and beyond their border lines. Bitcoin has already been declared legal tender in El Salvador and it appears that other countries are considering the same path. Even some U.S. states are rushing toward legislation.

The most recent country discussing the legalization of Bitcoin is Malaysia: “We are trying to see how we can legalize [Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies] so that we can develop youth participation in crypto and assist them,” Malaysia deputy minister said. However, the Malaysian central bank is also looking into a central bank digital currency. 

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1. The #8-ranked UFC flyweight fighter Matheus Nicolau penned a deal to receive his future fight earnings in Bitcoin through the payroll service, Bitwage.

2. Bitcoin is a form of freedom from many of the monetary impacts that are being felt as a result of government decisions.

3. Bitcoin companies saw their customers’ personal information leak after a HubSpot employee account was hacked.

4. The perpetual warfare of the last two decades will lose its source of funding as we transition from fiat money to Bitcoin.

5. After CRM data platform HubSpot suffered a data breach targeting Bitcoin company data, customers are wondering if they’re at risk.

6. A virtual eventdedicated to Lightning integration, design and development will be free and open for attendance.


Bold Credit Card: Spend Against Bitcoin Collateral
By Namcios

Bold, a bitcoin company, announced it would launch a credit card to enable customers to spend against their bitcoin held as collateral and earn BTC rewards on every purchase. The company introduces an innovative twist compared to the alternative products, as they encourage users to HODL their bitcoin and spend fiat U.S. dollars instead.

“The Bold card lets you spend on a line of credit collateralized by bitcoin held in collaborative custody,” - Bold

By leveraging a 2-4 multi-signature set up to secure funds, where users hold one key, the company another, the capital agent the third and a law firm the fourth, Bold's focuses on providing transparency and safety to their users while allowing them to spend money without having to worry about tax implications that would come as a result of spending their bitcoin.

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Live Update!
In this episode of Bitcoin Magazine LIVE:
  • An interview with Pete Rizzo
  • An episode of Fedwatch
  • An episode of The Break Up with Nolan Bauerle
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By Relai

"Bitcoin is a not a sprint, but a marathon" a wise Bitcoiner once said. It may not be reflected often, but there is a big chunk of truth in there.

Saving as a form of wealth preservation had been corrupted until bitcoin came along, allowing us to focus once again on lowering our time preference. We now have hope and we know that today's sacrifice will lead to future returns, as we know it is still early.

With love,



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