March 12, 2020  I   View in Browser
Sprayers: A Hot and Cool Market

Machinery Journal - Mid-February 2020

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Proper storage and correctly sized equipment are just a few ways to improve your fuel efficiency. Learn more here.


Today's Top Stories

New Regulations Could Ground Agricultural Drones  
New Regulations Could Ground Agricultural Drones

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is proposing a new rule that would require any drone user to connect to the internet and broadcast a signal to alert others of its presence and identification.

U.S. Pork Shipments to China Fall to Lowest Ever  
U.S. Pork Shipments to China Fall to Lowest Ever

U.S. export sales of pork to China hit their lowest on record in the week ended March 5 even as access to ports improved in the world's top consumer of pork, the U.S. Agriculture Department (USDA)said on Thursday.

We Help You Get Higher Yields  
We Help You Get Higher Yields

Changes at Pioneer to improve breeding and testing methods help put more bushels in your bin. Listen here.

Resources Available To Address COVID-19  
Resources Available To Address COVID-19

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and other organizations are offering a variety of resources and information to help you in the process of minimizing the spread of COVID-19 and safeguarding yourself, your practice, employees and clients.

Family Governance: Set Clear Expectations and Accountability  
Family Governance: Set Clear Expectations and Accountability

Family governance is a structure to educate and aid communication between family members. For farms undergoing a leadership transition, this is especially important, says Rena Striegel, president of Transition Point Business Advisors.

Who can Have a Different Year-End?  
Who can Have a Different Year-End?

Most farmers automatically assume that an individual has to be on a calendar year-end. The actual requirement for your year-end is based on what year you elect on the very first tax return you ever file.

Virus Concerns Cancel Ag Events  
Virus Concerns Cancel Ag Events

Fears about the coronavirus tank markets again and are canceling events in farm country. Details, in today's AgDay Minute.

Crop Comments<br>Dickey County, N.D.  
Crop Comments
Dickey County, N.D.

The number one push is to raise as much crop as possible regardless of whether that is profitable or not. There is no longer the diversity in crop and livestock enterprises that existed in my youth. The real question is "Are we better off today"? We are now becoming painfully aware what happens when trade with your primary trading partner is interrupted. Those requiring various pharmaceuticals are now also keenly aware of where those products are produced (China). It's a world market so there is a much greater likelihood of a "Black Swan" event occurring at any point in time.

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