Dear John,

Have you ever heard someone say: “I don’t care if people like me, I want them to respect me.”

How do you gain respect, and if being liked is not necessary what does that mean?

Coach Leaders understand that in order to gain respect you must communicate respectfully which by default means that people might disagree with what you are saying, but should not disagree with how you are saying it. As Dad would say “You can disagree without being disagreeable.”

Here is a simple communication formula from 10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times that you can use to give Respect to your team when you are leading a meeting. If you are a team member - go ahead and forward this to your Coach Leader as a tip for starting off a great meeting.

A.I.R - Appreciation, Inspiration, and Recognition

Everybody needs A.I.R. to live!

Appreciation - start off the meeting by asking your team if there is someone on the team they want to appreciate for a job well done or for giving them extra help and support. Let as many people share as possible and it is ok if you start.

Inspiration - bring some inspiration to the meeting. You can read an inspirational quote or tell an inspiring story.

Recognition - take a few minutes to recognize someone who has gone the extra mile, closed a deal, grown to the next level, or anything that is positive that you would like to see more of.

Give your team some fresh A.I.R. today!

You are a Coach Leader!

Choose to Win!



Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306