Oct 26, 2020 • View in browser
BMA Board Chair Defends Deaccessioning
In a letter, Clair Zamoiski Segal, the chair of the board of trustees at the Baltimore Museum of Art, said she has “grown increasingly troubled” by the backlash against the museum’s deaccessioning of three works from its collection to fund staff salaries and equity initiatives.
She wrote:
“To suggest that the absence of these three works breaks the public trust omits the reality of the many individuals whose trust we have not yet won. We have not yet won that trust because we, along with many other museums, have been operating within a system that has excluded too many for far too long.”
Artist Shepard Fairey’s cover for the latest TIME issue (courtesy of TIME magazine)
Artist Shepard Fairey’s cover for the latest TIME issue (courtesy of TIME magazine)
In Other News
The Everson Museum of Art is defending its decision to deaccession a prized painting by Jackson Pollock to fund the diversification of its collection.
For the first time in its history, TIME magazine has temporarily altered its name to “VOTE” on the cover of its upcoming issue designed by Shepard Fairey.
In a virtual roundtable this earlier week, New York lawmakers heard bleak reports and urgent pleas for funding from leaders of arts organizations across the state.
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