PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Occasionally, we come across valuable ideas we think you’ll appreciate. This one is from our good friends at Agora Financial Australia.

Dear Reader,

As a regular reader of The Rum Rebellion, I figured this bestselling book on gold would be of interest. Even more so because we’re practically giving it away.

For example, the last time I checked Booktopia, they were selling hard copies of Jim Rickards’ bestselling book, The New Case for Gold for $31.25…

Source: Booktopia

And that’s AFTER a 40% discount.

Well, scratch that.

Right now, you can get this book for basically nothing. All you need to cover is the tiny $4.99 for packing and posting, and we’ll send you your copy immediately.

What’s more, you get a full accompanying package of PDF reports not available of Amazon, Booktopia, or any other physical or online outlet.

Why are we doing this? Who is Jim Rickards? And how do you qualify for this book deal?

You can find out here.

Just don’t take too long. Supplies are extremely limited.

Find out how to secure your copy here.

James Woodburn Signature

James Woodburn,
Publisher, The Rum Rebellion