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Catalan Films and Catalunya Film Commission are sponsoring RESTART Conference, a programme that will cover the key opportunities and challenges for the TV and Film sector after a year dominated by disruption and the pandemic.
The Restart Conference has been launched to bring together the TV and film industries during a three days programme, where the attendees will hear exclusive insight into the challenges and opportunities facing the industry from an unrivalled panel of speakers.
Spotlight on Catalan talent - Women at the wheel
20 May 2021 | 14:00 - 14:30
As part of the Restart conference, we will speak to key players of the new wave of Catalan women directors and producers who are enjoying the international spotlight at festivals and markets. Jointly with the film programmer Paz Lázaro from Berlinale, we will discuss success stories such as Clara Roquet's upcoming film and the films produced by Valérie Delpierre (Carla Simon's Summer 1993, Pilar Palomero’s Schoolgirls) as well as the new names and projects that will shape the region's future Film & TV Series landscape. The panel will explore the factors that have enabled more diverse titles to flourish and discuss how these provide a unique roadmap of the film industry in Catalonia.

Check out the full programme HERE
Taking place on the virtual events platform Hopin, the attendees will have the opportunity to network with their industry peers through the Event Chat functionality and also be able to request one-to-one meetings.
Content highlights of the programme include:
  • The Audience – now and in the future
  • Diversity and talent development
  • Funding and Financing
  • Keynotes – senior producers talk about their key challenges and opportunities
  • Production – the latest on how content is being made in the pandemic era
  • Data led insight on the latest industry trends
Promotion code
It will be a pleasure to welcome you at RESTART Conference and we are delighted to offer you a 15% discount code available for the three-days programme or a single day pass. Get involved and request your discount code at joan.ruizg@gencat.cat
Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals (ICEC)
Departament de Cultura - Generalitat de Catalunya
Passatge de la Banca 1 - 3, E-08002 Barcelona
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Responsable del tractament: Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals. Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Passatge de la Banca, 1, 08002 Barcelona. Més informació a www.icec.gencat.cat
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ICEC - Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals · Passatge de la Banca 1-3 · Barcelona, Barcelona 08002 · Spain