9 JUNE 2023

Results: 2023 UIA Friendly and Inclusive

Spaces Awards

The International Union of Architects (UIA) is pleased to announce the results of the fourth edition of the Friendly and Inclusive Spaces Awards, organised by its Architecture for All (AfA) Work Programme.

The UIA Friendly and Inclusive Spaces Awards were established to promote inspiring buildings and sites that have created socially sustainable environments through high quality architectural design. A special award is also given for evidence-based design research that makes a significant contribution to improved quality of life through facilitating a better understanding of human-centred design and its application to the design of the built environment.

116 entries were submitted from 37 countries in four categories – New Buildings, Refurbished Existing Buildings (including Historic Buildings), Public and Open Spaces and Research. Following a regional selection process for the first 3 categories, 56 shortlisted entries were sent to an international jury, including 24 entries in the ‘New Buildings’ category, 15 in the ‘Public and Open Spaces’ category and 17 in the ‘Refurbished Existing Buildings’ category.

The international jury for the ‘New Buildings’, ‘Refurbished Existing Buildings’ and ‘Public and Open Spaces’ categories consisted of Vassilis Sgoutas (Greece), Angela Rolfe (Ireland) and Kate Otten (South Africa). Meeting virtually in May 2023, the jury selected the winners and recipients of a Medal of Excellence in each category. The jury also selected 8 additional entries for Honourable Mentions.

The international jury for the ‘Research’ category, consisting of Allen Kong (Australia), Jasmien Herssens (Belgium), John Zeisel (USA) and Arina Hayati (Indonesia), met virtually on 2 May 2023 to select an entry for the Award. The jury also awarded 3 Honourable Mentions.

"Village Lounge of Shangcun", by SUP Atelier of THAD: Song Yehao, Sun Jingfen, Chu Yingnan, Xie Dan, Chen Xiaojuan, Yu Haowei (China)




SUP Atelier of THAD: Song Yehao, Sun Jingfen, Chu Yingnan, Xie Dan, Chen Xiaojuan, Yu Haowei (China)

Village Lounge of Shangcun

“This intervention gracefully enhances the community and its cultural heritage by creating a central gathering space on a complex site. Through careful choice of materials and scale, it seamlessly blends with the surroundings while maintaining its distinctive character."


Honourable mentions: 

Asociación Semillas para el Desarrollo Sostenible (Peru)

Alto Anapati Nursery School


O’Connell Mahon Architects (Ireland)

National Rehabilitation Hospital


Ar. Md. Sharif Uddin Ahammed (Bangladesh)

Shah Muhammad Mohshin Khan Mausoleum


"St Paul's Cathedral – Equal Access Project", by Caroe Architecture Ltd (United Kingdom)




Caroe Architecture Ltd (United Kingdom)

St Paul's Cathedral – Equal Access Project

"The new ramp and entrance portico to the north transept of St Paul’s was deemed to be one of the best examples of intervention in historic buildings. While quite a radical and contemporary intervention into an important historic building, the new elements, through carefully crafted and considered detail, sit quietly and seamlessly and enhance user experience and inclusivity."


Honourable mentions:

Sol Architecture et Urbanisme (France)

A Second Life for Jean Macé school in Trappes


10dedosvalentes: Tiago Reis de Oliveira (Portugal)

Therapeutic Equine Center Pony Club Porto: Reconversion and extension of an ancient rural complex


"Benjakitti Forest Park", by Arsomsilp Community and Environmental Architect (Thailand)




Arsomsilp Community and Environmental Architect (Thailand)

Benjakitti Forest Park

"This project constitutes a very large and meaningful intervention to the infrastructure of Bangkok resulting in an immersive, experiential and accessible public space that improves the public’s understanding and knowledge of ecology, forest, hydrology and environment in the urban community. The park serves as a lung to the city and is designed to manage both flooding and drought."


Honourable mentions: 

AMVC – Arquitectos Associados: Vítor Santos Cruz (Portugal)

Mechanical Accesses to Leiria’s Castle


VERITAS Architects (Malaysia)

Saloma Link


SUP Atelier of THAD: Song Yehao, Sun Jingfen, Chu Yingnan, Wang Wenwu, Liu Mengjia, He Xinran, Xie Dan, Chen Xiaojuan (China)

Tea Leaf Market of Zhuguanlong


"The Autism Friendly University Design Guide", by Magda Mostafa – Progressive Architects (Egypt)




Magda Mostafa – Progressive Architects (Egypt)

The Autism Friendly University Design Guide, Dublin

"This research has excellent methodology and application. It covers a wide range of design for senses and environmental conditions and results in a set of manageable guidelines.”


Honourable mentions:

Francesca Tosi and Mattia Pistolesi PhD – University of Florence, DIDA Dept. of Architecture Ergonomics and Design Lab. LED (Italy)

Home Care Design for Parkinson’s Disease


Ar. Sebi Nakarmi, Prof. Dr. Sudha Shrestha and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sanjaya Uprety – Tribhuvan University, Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Dept. of Architecture and Urban Planning (Nepal)

Satisfaction with Public Buildings of Patan among People with Disabilities


Andrea Loyola, Patricia Quevedo, Omar Juárez, Johanny Takayama, Jentuam Rodríguez and Gerladine Salazar – Anidare Company (Peru)

Thinking about cities that support care and their interpersonal relationships from childhood


The winning entries will be exhibited at the UIA Architecture for All Work Programme Exhibition during the 28th UIA World Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 2-6 July 2023. The Prize Ceremony will take place on 6 July.

Find out more about the Award and view the jury report on our website.

The International Union of Architects (UIA) is an international non-governmental organisation based in Paris. Established in 1948, it is the only organisation representing architects across the globe working to unify architects, influence public policies on construction and development, and advance architecture in service to the needs of society.


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