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Stock Gumshoe Daily Update
Weekly Wrapup

March 5-6, 2016

Greetings, Gumshoe readers! 
Even with most of America distracted by "presidential" politics and by turns obsessed or deterred by Hilary Clinton's emails or Donald Trump's fingers, the promises for massive wealth have continued to roll our way... and your friends at Stock Gumshoe have been digging in and providing some real answers and, we hope, a wee bit of sanity.  So... didja miss anything?

The week started with a pitch from Stansberry Venture about a MERS vaccine stock that was later also pitched as a Zika vaccine stock... for those who don't want to spend $5,000 to learn that "secret," I laid out the details in my free article on Monday here.  And for the rest of the week that was, just read on...


Can one investment book really turn anybody into a millionaire? It's hard to believe. But in 1991, HarperCollins published a book written by an unknown fund manager. They only printed 5,000 copies because it sold badly. That would be the end of the story, except this "unknown fund manager" went on to turn every $10,000 he invested into over $6.31 million, enriching some of America's now-wealthiest families! The out-of-print and exceedingly rare book is now one of the most stolen books at libraries across the country. Used copies of it sell for thousands of dollars. But you don't have to pay that. We reveal its most important secret here...


Several of you have asked about the "Resurrection Cell" ad (and a few have named the company), but I thought it was time to take a look -- Agora Financial has another big push out for the "Ethical Stem Cells Inc" company, and Stephen Petranek says they might just start a 1,000% run around March 31.  So who is it, and what's the deal with that timeline?  Click here for the answers and some blatheration from yours truly.

Speaking of March 31, I also posted a refresh of the "Donald Trump Infrastructure" piece from a few months ago -- they've rejiggered that ad a bit ,but it's still focused on Trump and the one infrastructure company they think will lead a new revolution... though now they're saying that you have to buy now because of advanced technologies being released as early as March 31.  Sound familiar?  That updated article is here.

Nicholas Vardy has been asking if you own the "most powerful company in the world" -- and his pitch for Alpha Investor Letter is all about buying shares of that stock (it's probably not who you think) as well as buying some specific ideas tied to that "most powerful" company... our article and explanation is here.

And look out, here comes "Neural Imprinting" again! The questions are flowing fast and furious into Gumshoe HQ about this pitch from Michael Robinson about how "neural imprinting" can get rid of pain and make you a gazillion bucks... it's all about virtual reality, as you might remember, but what stock is he teasing?  Still the same one as last time, and I still kind of like and have some exposure to the stock (even if the "neural imprinting" stuff is nowhere near being the reason to buy it).  We re-posted that article and the discussion for you here.

Finally, the Irregulars were subjected to some more of my opinion to close out the week as I shared my "Idea of the Month" article with them about an increasingly contrarian venture capital investment that looks cheap enough to buy, that article for our paid members is here.

P.S. The other two big pitches this week that have been driving questions are way are both about biotech -- the "bionic surgery" stock has been teased off and on for several weeks and it's "on" again now, you can see our "end of surgery" article here.... and likewise, the "liquid biopsy" pitch from Shah Gilani is not new, but has been marketed anew this week, that "end the eight deadliest diseases" liquid biopsy article is here.  Make sure to read the comments on both, our comments sections don't usually make you want to leave the country or crawl into a hole like other discussion forums do, and our readers had a lot of opinion and perspective to share on these stocks.

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Disclaimer:  Nothing in this email or in the linked articles should be considered to be individual investment advice -- we can't tell you what you should do with your money, we can just share our opinions and perspective.  Our authors try to use reliable information sources but also make mistakes of both fact and judgement on occasion, so all assertions should be checked and confirmed.  You should speak with your financial advisor and understand everything fully before committing money to any investment.  


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