Trimble, a company known for its precision agriculture hardware and cloud-based applications, is updating its aftermarket distribution strategy, making it easy for farmers to access and adopt precision ag solutions.
"Bill has an outstanding track record of building strong product pipelines and turning biotech breakthroughs into products," Bayer Supervisory Board Chairman Norbert Winkeljohann said in a statement.
As one of the first retailers to commercial selective spraying in their agronomic offering, Jeff Crissinger, VP of Agronomy Sales/Marketing at NuWay-K&H Cooperative shares how they are positioning this technology.
USDA Confirms Farmers’ Fears: Net Farm and Net Cash Farm Income Expected to Fall This Year
USDA’s first official net farm income forecast shows an expected 16% drop in 2023 net farm income, largely due to a decline in commodity prices and government payments with higher expenses and costs at the farm level.
Mexico Says U.S. GMO Corn Will be Imported if it Passes a Test
Mexico's new decree will indicate that if U.S. GMO corn passes the sanitary filters of the Federal Commission for Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris), it will have no problem entering Mexico.