Retailers Retaliate Against Amazon Prime Day Counter promotions, like Walmart's sub-$600 Samsung 4K UHD TV, and free shipping on all orders, may take some wind out of Amazon's sales.
TWICE Exclusive: How HSN Became A Top-30 Tech Store HSN electronics chief Sandy Conrad tells all.
Retailing Giants Ride The White-Goods Wave Once again, major appliances proved to be the deciding factor between an up or down year for Americas largest CE and majap dealers.
Staples Picks A Retail Chief Staples' Canada president gets to run the whole continent.
hhgregg Betting Big On Luxury Appliances The chain is planning a Fine Lines surge that will triple the boutique's store count in two years.
These Are The Top Tech Products And Retailers Of The Back-To-School Season While some kids just began their summer break, back-to-school (BTS) shopping is already in full swing.
Ingram Micro Selling Off AVAD The CI distributor was bought by an equity investment group. Read us on Apple News!
Hot off the presses! Meet the giants of retail in TWICE's 2016 Combined Top 100 CE and Major Appliance Retailers sales report, exclusively available here. |