Evidence is mounting that we may finally be returning to a Gold Standard... Central banks are buying more gold than at any other time in human history. And at the fastest pace in living memory, too.

Return of the Gold Standard

Evidence is mounting that we may finally be returning to a Gold Standard...

  • Central banks are buying more gold than at any other time in human history. And at the fastest pace in living memory, too.
  • And you've likely seen the headlines about gold smashing through one all-time high after the next.

But you may not realize the significance of what's playing out...

That's why I just recorded this urgent gold briefing for you.

I even brought in a friend of mine...

A 30+ year gold veteran who built a net worth of over $20 million dollars using his own deceivingly straightforward system... before retiring at the top earlier this year.

In short: Our combined research indicates we are now witnessing gold's final bull market...

And we could see gold blow past $3,000 an ounce sooner than almost anyone believes possible...

With a major move beginning as soon as June 11.

Please know: We're not telling you to simply buy physical gold today.

But one very straightforward move should be all you need to position your money for multiple chances at 500% gains in the months ahead.

We even share the name and ticker of a top gold recommendation, free of charge.

So if you've been tracking the 2024 gold story... or you're just curious about the No. 1 way to play gold today...

Now's the time to click here and learn more, before it's too late.


Brett Eversole

P.S. Don't forget, this story has been half a century in the making.

Back in April 1974, nine countries were planning to make gold the center of the global monetary system...

(Which would have spelled disaster for the dollar's dominance.)

And U.S. Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, needed to stop them–fast.

"But suppose they go ahead on their own anyway... What then?" asked his subordinate.

"We'll bust them," Kissinger responded.

But will America's power brokers be able to stop gold's final bull market now?

Click here for our surprising answer.