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Thursday, March 9, 2017
No matador in sight as bull market in U.S. stocks turns eight
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The run of gains on Wall Street turns 8 years old on Thursday and, despite its advanced age, is expected to rage on, with perhaps a few hiccups, based on a combination of stronger company earnings, lower taxes and a corporate-friendly administration in Washington.
Column: Threatened pension cuts will test Trump ties to U.S. Rust Belt voters
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Karen Friedman has been traveling the country speaking at meetings of retired union members - and they are angry. What riles them is the prospect of deep cuts in promised pension benefits, and they are hoping for relief from President Donald Trump.
Pimco revamps BOND ETF, changing fund's name and managers
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Pacific Investment Management Co (Pimco) is replacing the full slate of managers on its Total Return Active Exchange-Traded Fund and changing its name, a spokeswoman for the fund management company said on Wednesday, the latest transformation for what was once the largest actively managed ETF.
"Bull market in politics" could mean bear market in risk assets: James Saft
A new era in politics has been a windfall for investors, but the odds are against that being the end of the story.
U.S. regulators push new ETF rules despite industry's howl
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. regulators are advancing rules this week to tighten standards on the ballooning exchange-traded fund industry over the objections of asset managers including BlackRock Inc and Invesco Ltd .
BET co-founder Sheila Johnson succeeds all over the map
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Most people would be thrilled to succeed in one field. Sheila Johnson has triumphed in some remarkably different ones.
Hedge fund manager Tepper sold some Snap shares as prices climbed: CNBC
BOSTON (Reuters) - Billionaire investor David Tepper, whose views on markets and stocks are closely watched by other money managers, said on Wednesday he bought shares of Snap Inc in its initial public offering, sold some, and would buy again if the price dropped.
Banks come in from the cold for hedge funds
LONDON/BOSTON (Reuters) - Bank stocks are back in vogue for hedge funds, which have shunned the industry over the past seven years due to a squeeze on banks' profitability from low interest rates and because of their opaque balance sheets.
Electronics retailer hhgregg files for bankruptcy
(Reuters) - Appliances and electronics retailer hhgregg Inc and its Gregg Appliances Inc unit filed for bankruptcy protection on Monday, as they continued to struggle with declining sales for about four years.
'Green' funds flush with new cash, challenges as Trump era dawns
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Environmentally conscious investors are using their pocketbooks to protest President Donald Trump's plans to slash environmental regulations, fueling a rally in funds that only invest in companies that meet progressive criteria for sustainability.
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