October 9, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

I mentioned over the weekend that I'd be doing a rundown of all of the artificial intelligence (AI) stocks that newsletters have been pitching this year, so that's today's piece for your consideration -- I've got 25 different stocks to share that have been pitched by various pundits, some very early on and some quite recently... just click below to...

One of the world's top financial tech companies recently launched a breakthrough, new A.I. stock predictive system called An-E (pronounced Annie, short for Analytical Engine). They tested it by tasking it with many thousands of stock predictions… and comparing its forecasts with what actually happened. And many of those predictions ended up being incredibly accurate, often times either spot on or only off a percentage or two. So TradeSmith is bringing An-E to the market, to show its capabilities to the public. Click here to learn more.


Miss anything last week?

We caught back up with the Motley Fool's pitch-fest, as they're again touting a stock they say they've sunk $1.5 million into.

And Whitney Tilson is back on the hustings, too, touting a bunch of special reports about SEVEN of his favorite "Project E-92" stocks.

My favorite people got a few meaningful investing updates this week, as I shared a Trade Note on Thursday and ended up making two add-on buys of different stocks late in the week... and also bought one new position off of our watchlist on Friday, for the first time in a while.  All that, plus some big-picture musing about investor sentiment and interest rate/real estate panic in the Friday File, just click below for the full story...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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