Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Latest subscriber newsletter stories

This month’s coding Q&A
Source: Briefings on APCs
Our coding experts answer questions about reporting the -X{EPSU} modifiers, modifier -51, and more.
Director's desk: Preparing for Livanta short-stay and high-weighted DRG reviews
Source: Case Management Monthly
CMS has reinstated the short-stay reviews and high-weighted DRG reviews originally halted in 2019. The national contract to conduct these reviews was awarded to Livanta, one of the Beneficiary & Family-Centered Care and Quality Improvement Organizations.
Sample room and board policy
Source: HIM Briefings
A room and board policy defines routine daily hospital services and covered medical and surgical services and supplies. Use this sample policy as a template for your organization.
HIPAA Q&A: Microsoft PrintNightmare warning, government ransomware website
Source: Briefings on HIPAA
Chris Apgar, CISSP, answers submitted questions on a variety of HIPAA topics.
Note from the instructor: Understanding and utilizing recent IRF regulatory clarifications
Source: Medicare Insider
This week's note from the instructor reviews recent changes to inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) regulations and discusses how to use them to proactively create audit defense strategies. 

Upcoming CMS Events

Tuesday, 12/14 - Town Hall Meeting on the FY 2023 Applications for New Medical Services and Technologies Add-On Payments

Product Spotlight

The Social Determinants of Mental Health: Impact of the Pandemic and Beyond

The social determinants of health (SDoH) are an industry priority. Engage in a comprehensive webinar with Ellen Fink-Samnick, MSW, ACSW, LCSW, CCM, CRP, to learn the essential knowledge base to ensure a holistic health perspective, especially population health. Learn definitions and demographics, explore the evidence, and review reimbursement, resources, and initiatives.




This week in Medicare

This week's Medicare updates include revisions to guidance on interstate licensing compacts, an OIG review of Medicare Advantage risk adjusted payments, the quarterly update to the ESRD PPS, and more!


What is Revenue Cycle Advisor?

Revenue Cycle Advisor combines all of HCPro's revenue cycle and Medicare regulatory and reimbursement resources in one place—whether you’re looking for information on billing, coding, CDI, case management, finance, or HIPAA.

Don’t just read the news—read our in-depth expert analysis on the latest rules and regulations.

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Career Center

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