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July 7, 2020
Parents are working while their kids stay home from school. Grocery budgets are thin. Rents are due. This was never sustainable.
By J.C. Pan
The People Killed the PipelinesThe Dakota Access and Atlantic Coast pipelines fell because community members fought for their right to a safe, pollutant-free home.

By Nick Martin
The Wrong Way to Grapple With a Public Health CrisisThe New York Times has either made a grave category error or they've given up on the idea of solving America's health insurance problem.

By Libby Watson
Policing Doesn’t Protect Women
As abolitionist frameworks enter the mainstream, addressing gendered and sexual violence is treated like a conceptual trap. It’s not.

By Isabel Cristo
Reckoning With Anti-Blackness in Indian CountryNative lives won’t matter unless Black lives do.
By Nick Martin
The Left’s Deafening Silence on China’s Ethnic CleansingAnti-imperialist leftists can’t afford to cede this issue to centrist Democrats and the Trumpist right.

By Casey Michel
Monopolies Make Their Own RulesZephyr Teachout’s new book lays bare the private legal system that shores up their immense power—and hides it from public view.

By Robin Kaiser-Schatzlein
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