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Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist)
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IN THIS ISSUE - For Everyone: (1) Today's Inspiration, (2) NewThink: Revolutionizing Prayer, (3) Recommended Previous Articles/Videos To Review, (4) Paula Cleary Shares Her 3am Spiritual Visit, (5) NEED MORE HELP?

For OEFT Course Members - ADVANCED: (1) Our next Webinar, (2) Recent Recorded Webinar Available, (3) Susan's Love-Deficit, (4) Practice Group Reminder


Today's Inspiration: Rick Hoyt, is seriously disabled with Cerebral Palsy and is confined to bed and/or a wheelchair. Nonetheless, he has a desire to participate in sports.

In one of the most inspirational and loving moves I have ever seen, his father, Dick Hoyt, chose to run a triathlon, the most grueling athletic event of our time (swim 2.4 miles, bicycle 112 miles, run 26 miles) WHILE TOWING/CARRYING HIS SON THROUGH THE ENTIRE COURSE.

This will stay with you a long time.

Watch video


NewThink - Episode 9

Revolutionizing Prayer

Note:  For best results, this NewThink series assumes you have read my free intro e-book, The Unseen Therapist.

From Gary: Here is a NewThink innovation on prayer.

With it, our prayers can more often manifest into reality and their results can be MEASURED. Will this revolutionize prayer? It should. However, no need to wait for religious institutions to adopt it. You can start now and do it on your own.

I unfold this idea for you in this link to a video


Recommended Previous Articles/Videos To Review

From our Stairway to Miracles Series: There's only one of us.

From our Questions and Answers collection: Should we "Tap in" the positive?


Paula Cleary Shares Her 3am Spiritual Visit

Intro from Gary: For most of her life, Paula was obsessed with learning HOW Jesus did all those miracles that were attributed to him. Then, after immersing herself in our Optimal EFT Course, her answer came at 3am one morning. Note: We are not guaranteeing these extreme results for our Members. However, a few HAVE received them and they ARE possible.


Dear Gary,

I'm so excited to share this with you.

Even though I've only recently begun the lessons on the Optimal EFT Course (currently on Lesson #9), I've had a seriously spiritual experience.

As we had discussed during my interview with you, I'm a clairvoyant.  As I've been studying your lessons, I've tried to see where those abilities would be most useful in further understanding how it all comes together.

Your use of the "loving moment" was curious to me and I've been mulling it over and over in my mind for weeks now.  I could immediately see the benefit of getting into this loving state of mind and connecting with The Unseen Therapist. I've had no problem doing that but there was something about this specific process that I just couldn't accept without more investigation.  My mind just wouldn't let go of it.

Thursday night I awoke around 3:00 am.  Jesus came to me and showed me how he was able to heal people.  Ever since I was a small child I've been fascinated with 'how' Jesus was able to heal...the actual nuts & bolts of how he did it.

I had read the bible seven (7) times cover to cover by the time I was twelve (12) years old trying to understand just exactly what he did.

Thursday night Jesus showed me how he kept a "Loving and Compassionate" state of mind.  That he LIVED every moment in this state of mind.  He radiated this state of mind.  He couldn't see anything other than a 'perfect' person when he looked at the individual.  The caveat was that the person receiving the healing had to be open to theirhealing, they had to want to be healed.

I fully experienced this feeling of his "Loving and Compassionate" state of mind and at that moment, I finally understood the 'how'. After all these years, my question has been answered.

After this ended, I immediately tried to get into this same state to no avail.  I tried several times.  I then decided to get into my own loving moments and to work up to that same state.  Nothing.  I was shocked that I couldn't even feel my own loving moments and thought that I had somehow lost them!  What I came to realize was that my wonderful, beautiful, loving moments in no way compared to the depth of the love and compassion that Jesus was able to radiate.

I now know that I'll definitely be striving to reach that level of love and compassion while continuing to work through the lessons with The Unseen Therapist.  I have learned so much while going through the lessons and videos.  The videos are EXTREMELY valuable.

I can't thank you enough for sharing all of this information.  It has made such an impact on my life.  Thank you so much!

Paula S. Cleary



1. Read my  free e-book, The Unseen Therapist, for a solid understanding of our latest advancement, Optimal EFT.

2. Join our  Optimal EFT Course Membership for professionals and self-help students. Taught by me. ln-depth work. Credentials. Touch the World.

3. Become certified through our top-level  Complete EFT Certification program. Enter the upper echelons of the world's most effective healing professionals.

4. Engage one of our highly trained, certified,  Official EFT Practitioners.

5. For more info please visit  The Gary Craig Official EFT Training Centers.



For the Optimal EFT Course Membership

(a paid facility for professionals and self-help students)

Details and pricing for this Membership

Our next Webinar: It will be on Sunday, July 12, at 10am Pacific timeThis is where you get live support from me and immerse yourself in both our OEFT process and The Unseen Therapist. Lively exchanges. Entertaining, Highly informative. Customized to you.

This time we owe a major thank you to Member Sharon C. for her willingness to share personal issues with us. She and I will work together, live before the Membership, to address a major issue. More details in the next newsletter.


Recent Recorded Webinar Available: To access it, just login to your Optimal EFT Membership Account, and, in the left hand menu, go to Recorded Webinars>Webinars 2017 and after>Webinars 76-105>#91 - Being The Unseen Therapist and Q&A. 

The centerpiece of this Webinar was our exercise in "Being The Unseen Therapist." Lots of enthusiasm for this. Here is a sampling of the comments...

** Feeling very calm. The issues I  started with feel distant and not important. It was lovely to connect to everyone else at the webinar this way.
**My lower back pain and tightness is down to zero from 6.
** My pain is completely gone and I experienced complete silence
** I got lots of tingling.  I felt like I was part of the larger enterprise.  
**A lovely sense of connectedness and oneness
**I feel very peaceful - enjoyed the process.  The physical pain in my right shoulder socket is about the same
**Beautiful experience! I felt UT loving presence in everyone in this meeting
**Two emotional issues reduced to zero. Felt at one with evrybody - like one loving entity
**I felt a lot of relaxation and lots of love surrounding me.
**My symptoms stayed at 10 but I felt that others were healed! I could feel love towards the whole group and their love for me.
**Started with apain in my heel which is tentative to walk on. Rated a 3. Now I can stamp on my heel. There is free movement
**From 3/4 upper right arm to a 0.5.
**Feeling one with the Loving presence. Love is flowing through me and around me.
**Easy to get into the UT space. Relaxing, felt really good.No improvement in symptoms.
**Very peaceful. Easy expansion of energy outward with the ball.  including in everyone.  then the power of the group for the group I loved.  Then the power of the group for me, I loved.   YES !!!  I" liked this one a lot. Maybe my favorite so far.  need to still rate intensity of original issue
**I had a headache almost all this week and I felt it resolving in my head while doing the process. About my issue, I fell more safe and secure qnd calm. I used to do the UT alone on some of my issues with nice results. But this time the energy I felt was much much higher. I feel so Calm right now. Thank you.
**I feel very peaceful now. My issue which has been stuck at a 2-3 for some time feels a 1 right now and I will retest later and over the next few days. 
**Able to receive for first time
** I Did It On My Breathing And So Many Issues  Result Are Amazing 
Breathing 5 And Now Its A 9 (Improvement) And Emotional  Issue is Reduce To 0.

**Wonderfully powerful healing experience! i feel such peace and love and could express it and accept it! i want moreof this deep healing! thank you gary for recording this for/with us!

Susan's "Love-Deficit"

"We need love because we ARE love and constantly long for

that identity in this seemingly separated world."

Intro from Gary: Susan (true name withheld for privacy reasons) is the victim of severe parental abuse and, through her Membership in our Optimal EFT Course Membershiphas been finding success in unraveling her extreme emotionoal responses.

Along the way, we have had some interesting correspondence. I thought you would find this exchange useful.


Hi Gary,

So, I have been working with The Unseen Therapist on the various issues and can see a change in the way I respond to things which is amazing.

But my Seabhorric dermatitis has not cured yet. Although I had several other issues and I'm seeing improvements in them.

I looked back deeper and felt this one emotion very evidently, that I have the fear of losing my mother. I had this fear so much that whenever I try to get some guidance from The Unseen Therapist, I cannot get any specific event.

I usually get one specific event but when it comes to this emotion I feel blank. I just feel like I cannot let my mom go and it is some kind of obsession I have over her because I fear I would lose her.

Another emotion that I was working on was when we had to move houses and I was a child, I got very attached to my neighbour's dog. I'm pretty sure that the dog is no more but I feel a lot of regret that I couldnt see her at all when she passed away.

Whenever I go back I can only see myself begging to see her once and crying. That's all I get in the memory and I ask The Unseen Therapist to guide me and it is almost liek I'm a child and I'm not ready to heal until I see her.

What do you do when your inner child is so adamant about something. It doesnt feel like I'm dealing with the adult part of myself sometimes because there is no logic in what I feel.

Regards, Susan


Hi Susan,

Here are my thoughts.

Both the fear of losing your mother and the grief regarding the dog appear to have something in common, namely, your losing a source of love. This is understandable and common, especially in your case where abuses often took the place of love in your childhood.

We need love because we ARE love and constantly long for that identity in this seemingly separated world. Further, the less love we have experienced, the more intense the love-craving becomes. Hence the obsession and crying.

Almost everyone suffers from this love-deficit, at least to some degree. But the solution always involves the gradual realization that love comes from INSIDE and need not be required of OUTSIDE sources. This often involves the resolution of an intricate web of past experiences and rarely happens overnight.

That is why the diligent use of our Immerse-ucation process is so important. Through its many reframes and Unseen Therapist sessions, its design is to shift your perception in these essential ways. You are already seeing results but must be both diligent and patient. Most OEFT students and clients tend to forget the major progress they have made and, instead, focus on "what's not done yet." Just be aware of that tendency.

Love, Gary


Practice Group reminder: Our practice group facility regularly offers new opportunities to improve your skills. Please check it out in the Membership section of our website.

e-hugs, Gary

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Gary Craig, P.O. Box 1393, Gualala, CA, 95445, United States