In China, the most popular food you can find is definitely rice. We consume so much of it every year that it's hard to keep up with the demand.
This year, the China National Hybrid Rice Research and Development Center has recognized Yuan Longping, a renowned Chinese developer of hybrid rice, for his new world record yield.
Mr. Yuan is a renowned rice expert and an academician at Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) who became famous for pioneering hybrid rice in the 1970s when he significantly relieved China's food crisis and was thus honored as the "father of hybrid rice".
Longping has bred a new species of hybrid rice called Xiangliangyou 900, and has broken the "记录 (jìlù) record" of an average yield of the hybrid rice--in 2017, he was able to yield an average of …Read More
This word, "纪录 (jìlù)", meaning "record," is commonly used in hot news topics on the internet, in newspapers and other conversational media in China.
Let's look at how it's used correctly in sentences:
纪录 (jìlù): n. record.
The first thing we do is use this in conjunction with another word set to make a complete sentence:
创造 (chuàngzào) create + 纪录 (jìlù) record
Àoyùnhuì shàng, Sūn Yáng chuàngzào le xīn de shìjiè jìlù.
奥运会 上, 孙 杨 创造 了 新 的 世界 纪录。
At the Olympic Games, Sun Yang created a new world record.
We also use it conjunction with this word to slightly change the use:
打破 (dǎpò) break + 纪录 (jìlù) record
Tā xiǎng yào dǎpò jínísī shìjiè jìlù.
她 想 要 打破 吉尼斯 世界 纪录。
She attempts to break Guinness World Records.
Sometimes, we also use…Read More