No images? Click here Richard Rohr's Daily MeditationSummary: Week Forty-nine Giving Birth to Christ December 6 - December 11, 2020 If we try to “manage” God, or manufacture our own worthiness by any performance principle whatsoever, we will never bring forth the Christ, but only more of ourselves. (Sunday) We are a part of this movement of an ever-growing Universal Christ that is coming to be in this “one great act of giving birth.” (Monday) When the mystery of God’s love breaks through into my consciousness, do I run from it? Or am I virgin enough to respond from my deepest, truest self, and say something new, a “yes” that will change me forever? —Kathleen Norris (Tuesday) Christmas isn’t automatic, it can’t be taken for granted. It began with Mary, but each of us is asked to make our own contribution to giving flesh to faith in the world. —Ronald Rolheiser (Wednesday) It is not mystical experience we are after but radical interior transformation, so that others may experience Christ more fully in us. —Vincent Pizzuto (Thursday) We are called to incarnate Christ in our lives, to clothe our lives with him, so that people can see him in us, touch him in us, recognize him in us. —Catherine de Hueck Doherty (Friday) Practice: O God, I Need TheeThe virtue of hope, with great irony, is the fruit of a learned capacity to suffer wisely, calmly, and generously. Any form of contemplation is a gradual sinking into this divine fullness where hope lives. Contemplation is living in a unified field that produces in people a deep, largely non-rational, and yet calmly certain hope, which is always a surprise. A life of inner union, a contemplative life, is practicing for heaven now. This week’s practice is from the remarkably hope-filled book Conversations with God: Two Centuries of Prayers by African Americans. Howard Thurman contributed the following prayer-practice: “O God, I Need Thee” I Need Thy Sense of Time I Need Thy Sense of Order I Need Thy Sense of the Future Howard Thurman, “O God, I Need Thee,” (1951), in Conversations with God: Two Centuries of Prayers by African Americans, ed. James Melvin Washington (Harper Collins: 1994), 183. Image credit: Abiding Love (detail of triptych), Janet McKenzie, copyright © 2019. For Further Study: Catherine de Hueck Doherty: Essential Writings, ed. David Meconi (Orbis Books: 2009). Catherine de Hueck Doherty, Living the Gospel without Compromise (Madonna House Publications: 2002). Beverly Lanzetta, The Monk Within: Embracing a Sacred Way of Life (Blue Sapphire Books: 2018). Kathleen Norris, Amazing Grace: A Vocabulary of Faith (Riverhead Books: 1999). Vincent Pizzuto, Contemplating Christ: The Gospels and the Interior Life (Liturgical Press: 2018). Richard Rohr, Christ, Cosmology, & Consciousness: A Reframing of How We See (Center for Action and Contemplation: 2010), MP3 download. Richard Rohr, The Cosmic Christ (Center for Action and Contemplation: 2009), CD, MP3 download. Richard Rohr, Preparing for Christmas: Daily Meditations for Advent (Franciscan Media: 2008). Richard Rohr, The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope For, and Believe (Convergent: 2019). Ron Rolheiser, Daybreaks: Daily Reflections for Advent and Christmas (Liguori Publications: 2019). “The Universal Christ,” Oneing, vol. 7, no. 1 (CAC Publishing: 2019), especially the essays “Becoming Christ” by Brie Stoner and “Christ, the Future” by Ilia Delio. Forward this email to a friend or family member that may find it meaningful. Was this email forwarded to you? Sign up for the daily, weekly, or monthly meditations. News from the CACThe Universal Christ: A Companion Guide for IndividualsDeepen your experience of the Universal Christ in this season when Christians are reminded of how all creation reveals the Spirit and love of God. Using reflections, journaling opportunities, Lectio practices, contemplative sits, and other exercises, this guide provides multiple points of engagement with each chapter of Richard Rohr’s book, The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope For, and Believe. Oneing: Order, Disorder, ReorderMother Mary's life is an example of how we can receive spiritual wisdom in this time of disorder. Explore the pattern of reality and discover your role in the reorder—the resurrection—by receiving the gift of God's healing love for yourself and others. The fall issue of ONEING: Order, Disorder, Reorder is a must-read for these tumultuous and troubled times. Action & Contemplation2020 Daily Meditations ThemeWhat does God ask of us? To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God. —Micah 6:8 Franciscan Richard Rohr founded the Center for Action and Contemplation in 1987 because he saw a deep need for the integration of both action and contemplation. If we pray but don’t act justly, our faith won’t bear fruit. And without contemplation, activists burn out and even well-intended actions can cause more harm than good. In today’s religious, environmental, and political climate our compassionate engagement is urgent and vital. Click here to learn about contemplative prayer and other forms of meditation. For frequently asked questions—such as what versions of the Bible Father Richard recommends or how to ensure you receive every meditation—please see our email FAQ. Visit to explore other ways to connect with the Center for Action and Contemplation. Use the “Forward” button above to share this email. Explore Richard Rohr's Daily Meditations archive at Visit CAC on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to connect with others and explore more ideas about contemplation. Richard Rohr's Daily Meditations are made possible through the generosity of CAC's donors. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation. If you would like to change how often you receive emails from CAC, click here. If you would like to change your email address, click here. Visit our Email Subscription FAQ page for more information. Submit an inquiry here for additional assistance. Inspiration for this week's banner image: Mary could trustingly carry Jesus, because she knew how to receive spiritual gifts, in fact the spiritual gift. She offers a profound image of how generativity and fruitfulness break into this world. We have much to learn from her. |